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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

Celebrate Your Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is here again. And it’s time yet again to show appreciation for the one responsible for letting you out to this world. And this coming week is the best time to show it! Need some brilliant and practical ideas how you can do this? Read on.
Prepare the meal. It’s just for one day. We know you’re a busy fella, but you can take the time off from work, or get off early and get the work off mom’s hands. She’s been cooking every meal so don’t you think she deserves a break today?
To nail that special meal, plan ahead. Determine how many courses you’re preparing because you save time when you’re not freaking out. Are you baking a cake? Does your mom like pasta? You can probably get a bottle of champagne for the occasion. Make sure you clean up the kitchen after you cook. Mom’s not touching the kitchen today.
Still got mom’s wish list last Christmas? Rummage through your drawers and find that list! You need to know what gift will make her happy.
Plan family time and encourage all members of the family to come. Organize a family outing where everyone is coming, even Uncle Joe. You’ve no idea how much mom misses you when you’re some place else. Tell your dad that today he’s taking a leave. To make the outing even more meaningful, prepare a special program and some special performances from everybody: song, dance, or card-reading will make her happy.
Is your mom expecting? If you’re having a baby sister/brother soon, shower your mom with sincere compliments because pregnant women need to hear loving words. Tell her that she’s glowing and that she’s the most beautiful pregnant woman you’ve seen.

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