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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

How to Deal with Your Lying Self

Do you know someone who’s a pathological liar? Now are you one? Everybody hates a liar and it’s not hard to imagine why (and even though we lie most of the time ourselves). Lying can be a sickness, and it can dominate your whole personality. So if you’re one of these hateful people, here are ways how you can change.
Don’t give your word to anyone you meet. Are you fond of making promises? Promises are tricky because the fact of the matter remains, you can’t be able to fulfill each and every one of them. And if you made a promise to take your grandma to lunch on Saturday, chances are, by Friday, something’s going to come up that will render you unable to keep your promise, i.e., your boss might ask you to work overtime. Unless you have the power to say NO to anything and everything that might come up, don’t commit.
Stop over-promoting yourself. Yes, you want to be on center stage every time. But hey, don’t magnify your achievements just to look good. Not only will people think you’re a liar, you’ll also be really annoying and infuriating. Know when you have to stop talking about yourself lest people think you’re conceited and narcissistic. Jokes can be half-truths (which makes it half a lie too) and tall tales are still phooey.
Learn how to accept failures. People usually mask their failures. Don’t do this. Try looking at the bright side of the truth by laughing it off. When you tell an embarrassing story about yourself, people will find it funny but they’re not laughing at you, they’re laughing with you. So laugh along. Tell it like it is and be a good sport
Get over your insecurities. People who lie about themselves are usually insecure. That’s why they make up stories. If you like yourself, you will accept that, like other people, you also make mistakes so there’s no need to lie.

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