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понедельник, 18 июля 2016 г.

Sex is wild and hubby has no idea


SOCCER legend George Best has been enjoying marathon romps with a tycoon's wife.
He said of curvy Ros Hollidge, 36: "We have fantastic sex."
Romeo Best, 58, claims he regularly bedded the mum of two for six months —while he had several OTHERwomen on the go.
He added: "She is amazing. Nothing in the past has come close to this."
Ros said last night: "I deceived my husband. George just took over."
  George Best bragged of his sex with tycoon's wife Ros Hollidge: "We have done it every way — every shape!"

The soccer legend said the pair devoured each other during weekly sessions after a "fatal attraction" meeting.
And after marking other lovers for their performance in bed, he insisted: "This woman is 100 out of 10. But it is more than just sex.
"She has the mind, the body, the eyes, the face...she is the most amazing woman I have ever met."
Twice-wed Bestie said the mum of two visited the Hampshire health club where he lives rent free for marathon love-making sessions.
He added: "The last time I saw her she came down at 10 o'clock in the morning and left at 4pm.
"The fact I can't see her very often means we have to fit a lot into six hours!"
Best failed to mention Ros when he gave ratings out of ten on six lovers to last week's News of the World.
And the ex-Manchester United ace still did not name her when he boasted of a current conquest.
But he later AGREED it was the wife of retired company director Ronald Hollidge, 60—who was clueless over their friendship until she told him yesterday.
Bestie revealed he is so infatuated with the curvy brunette he even wants to marry her.
He added: "Normally, when I tell a woman I love them I don't mean it. I'm a bulls*****r. But this one I do.
"If she were single I would ask her to marry me. Yet that's the big problem—she is married and she has not told her husband about me!"
Bestie first met Ros at the Forest Mere health club while he was still bedding divorcee Gina Devivo, 33—and before he seduced Dutch au pair Lisa Pesch, 22.
And they met up on Friday for a heart-to-heart after Ros slipped out of her £600,000 townhouse in Surbiton, Surrey, and sped down the A3.
Best was later seen getting out of Ros's silver Honda after the pair had left the Forest Mere.
He was dropped off in the car park of The Links pub in nearby Liphook—where kiss-and-tell conquest No6 Lisa works part-time behind the bar. Bestie told the News of the World:
7I first met Ros six months ago and it was total fatal attraction. She has gone through a lot of trauma and survived it. Now she has got the worst trauma—she has met me! George Best does spell danger. I should have a bell around my neck. There is the good, the bad and the ugly side to me.
She is the total opposite to what I am used to.
She is not blonde this time. She has got brains, an amazing sense of humour and she suffers my outbursts once and a while.
When I can see her on those rare occasions we have fantastic sex.
But she is due to go on a family holiday soon and I'm going to find it impossible. I'm tempted to fly out and join her! We are extremely jealous of each other.
Best, who had a new liver 2002, said he now has an insatiable appetite for sex.
He added: "I lost my sex drive for three years when I was ill and it was the last thing on my mind.
"Now it's the first thing on my mind. I can't do without sex.
"With the other women I get totally wrecked with drink. They didn't mean anything. But not with this one. She has given me a reason to live. She worries about me and has sent me some lovely letters. If she told me ‘You are going to lose me if you carry on drinking', I would stop. I would for her.
"When I see her I just feel uplifted. Obviously it is not right at home for her or she wouldn't be seeing me.
"But I've told her ‘you can't walk away, not so much him, but the kids. And, because it's me, you are going to get crucified'.
"It's hard for me because I have got to send her back to her husband. That's probably another reason why I don't sleep.
"It's crazy, I am jealous of a married woman. I just feel frustrated because I can't have her."
George added: "I have lost count of how many women I have been with. Some have blown my mind. But nothing even close to this.
"This is my soul mate, my lover, my confidante— the lot. And she is not a kiss-and-tell girl.
"I am in awe of her. I would give up everything for her."
Ex-lover Gina last night revealed how she was in bed with Best at Forest Mere—and Ros knocked on the door. George dashed outside in a white bathrobe and during that time she said she found a pair of Ros's black knickers in the room.
The soccer legend returned fluster, insisting nothing was going on. But Gina then saw a text message on his phone that said: "I have left him. That's it. I'm on my way."
Best blustered through, but hours later when they were apart he rang Gina and said: "That woman has gone back to her husband."
Gina added: "Two weeks later he came around to my house and he kept saying he loved me.
"Then I found some really filthy text-sex messages between him and Ros on his mobile.
"A few days later he phoned me and said, ‘Could you please ring this married woman, she is driving me nuts? I want to be with you'. He gave me her number and told me her name was Ros. I phoned her and told her what he told me to say: ‘Can you leave George alone? There is something special between us and you can't break it.'
"She told me that it was him who was driving her nuts and she was a married woman who wanted to get on with her life."
Gina says she rang the tycoon's wife again. She added: "Ros admitted she was having an affair with George and he had been manipulating me. She said she was going to finish it with George and made a pact with me if she ever got back with him she would let me know.
"George has mentally played with my head and my heart for the past year and has caused total chaos in my life. Ros is welcome to him."
Distraught Ros was talking to George last night over the revelations. She admitted: "I have met George about five times, without telling my husband. He just took over and I was trying to get out of it without anybody being hurt.
"I have told my husband for the first time today. I am ashamed that I have lied in that respect to him and haven't been truthful.
"It is a very strange unusual friendship. I just got sucked into it like a vortex. It is not normal life."
Ros added: "I love George as a friend and I care about him. But we never, ever had a sexual relationship—although he tried very hard.
"I went to see him in my car on Friday to ask him to leave me alone. I do have a family and I do have children."
"He bombarded me with my calls and I was very worried about my family. I am a married woman with two children and I didn't want anybody to find out.
"I accept I deceived my husband in that I didn't tell him what I was doing. I did not tell him the truth about where I had been and who I was seeing. That was for my own personal reasons. I take full responsibility for that. George wants what he can't have."
Copyright News Group Newspapers, 2004

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