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суббота, 23 июля 2016 г.

Simple Cures for Annoying Headaches

No, headaches do not land on your head like bird droppings. There is always a reason, sometimes such a simple one that you can cure yourself.
You know how it is, one minute you are fine and the next there a whole percussion section banging away behind your eyes. A headache is happening. There are many reasons headaches occur, but two causes have recently been discussed in the literature. These are factors most people don't consider. Simple dehydration or food preservatives can bring on a headache.

Anecdotal information from several patients alerted Drs. Blauc and Kell that headaches could be triggered by a lack of fluid. Dehydration is a condition brought on by an imbalance in the amount of fluid leaving the body through sweat or urine versus the amount of fluids taken in. This imbalance can occur easily.

Say you are in a foreign country and are somewhat leary of using the local toilets. You might decide not to drink coffee or tea with breakfast because you don't want to experience the "call of nature." By the afternoon, your body will begin to feel the lack of liquid and you will begin experiencing a headache. In addition to pain, you will also be feeling thirsty, tired, and dizzy.

Another example might arise out of a simple fitness workout. After months of sedentary living, you decide to hit the track for a training run on a warm, sunny morning. If you forget to hydrate before the run, you may suffer a headache after. Temperature, level of exertion, heart rate and other factors all impact how quickly the body uses up its reserve fluids.

To avoid dehydration, pay as much attention to your fluid intake as you do to your nutritional intake. After the fact, to ease the headache and combat dehydration, experts suggest drinking fluids, eating fruit, and avoiding coffee or other caffeine drinks. Do not overdo the remedy by drinking too much fruit juice. That might bring on a bout of diarrhea which can lead again to dehydration.

Food Preservatives
According to Dr. Seymour Diamond, executive director of the National Headache Foundation and director of the Diamond Headache Clinic, "In people susceptible to headaches, foods containing preservatives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG); amino acids, such as tyramine (a naturally occurring amino acid) or nitrates seem to have a direct effect on blood vessels in the head, causing them to expand thereby resulting in an attack."

Nitrates appear in different types of meat. The more processed the meat, such as deli meat, bacon, sausage, or hotdogs, the greater the likelihood of nitrates. Many people react painfully to this chemical and can avoid the onset of a headache by limiting their intake of these foods.

MSG or monosodium glutamate is a food additive that enhances flavor. For this reason, it is used extensively purely to make processed foods taste better and thus to encourage greater consumption. Some researchers believe that MSG is a contributor to the growing problem of obesity. Literally dozens of articles at the US National Library of Medicine are exploring this connection.

Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration has written regulations which demand that the public be notified whenever this additive is used. However, this chemical has many different names, so consumers should become knowledgeable. Information on informs us that monosodium glutamate is included in foods under various chemical names:

MSG, Gelatin, Calcium Caseinate, Hydrolized Vegetable Protein, Textured Protein, Monopotassium Glutamate, Hydrolized Plant Protein, Yeast Extract, Glutamate, Autolyzed Plant Protein, Yeast Food or Nutrient, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Caseinate, Autolyzed Yeast

As Dr. Diamond mentioned, even amino acids can be a root cause for headaches. It is the amino acid, tyramine, that makes chocolate and other food favorites a problem. A complex set of biochemical changes means that tyramine reduces seratonin in the brain. While the evidence isn't conclusive, aged cheeses, wine, and soy-based products may also be a problem.

Smart Steps
If you are subject to headaches, one of the most effective steps you can take is to track your habits. Whenever you get one, write down what you have eaten in the previous hours, and what you have had to drink. Pay attention to any possible connections. Years ago, by making a note whenever I had a headache, I discovered that flavored muffins were toxic for me. Fresh muffins weren't a problem, but those wrapped in plastic always meant a sore head. Giving them up dramatically reduced the number and degree of headaches I suffered. It was a small step in a good cause.

Last, don't forget to hydrate that body. Drink lots of fluids, always. Water is a great substitute for any type of soda or processed beverages. You know what happens when you forget to water the lawn. The human body will react to any similar neglect.

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