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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

Supplementing Your Workout with a Healthy Lifestyle

So if you are enjoying regular gym time, and a weekend jog with your iPod plus a diet of salad, salmon, granola bars and yogurt, then lucky you. I do know some gym rats who binge drink and chain smoke. You can definitely get the maximum benefits of a good workout if you do some follow-up after your routine?
Dump the vices. Come on, everyone agrees it’s about time you quit smoking. And besides, how many times you said you were quitting? When you smoke, you sabotage the progress you’re making with your body because it displaces the oxygen in your body with carbon monoxide. As for drinking, a few sips are good for your heart and your health in general. But if you drink way too much, everything will be wasted.
Get enough food. A good diet means eating healthy; it doesn’t mean you should starve yourself. You have to eat, especially after your workout when you’re drained. It’s good to eat carbs and protein, provided that you don’t pig out. No binging, too.
It’s important to keep your sleeping hours regular. Maintain a good sleeping time, and sleep early. If you have a hard time sleeping, you may want to cut off on the coffee and other things that usually keep you up long hours.
Drink up. Do we have to remind you that the 8-10 glasses everyday is essential? There are lots of energy drinks you can find in the stores which promises to rev you up but nothing beats water. Hydrating is very important when working out (especially with cardio exercises where you tend to heavily sweat). Push for more than 8-10 glasses daily if you workout.

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