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суббота, 23 июля 2016 г.

Walking Wolf Productions to Launch a Web TV Channel This Fall

Walking Wolf Productions has created independent films since 2007. Now they're turning to the web to release their productions and other artists' as well. 
In a recent exclusive interview, Rene Fornari talked about the new website that he and his partners, Frank Battiston and Kevin Walton, are launching called
Fornari described the enterprise, saying, “What we’re going to have is independent movies.
There used to be this thing called midday matinees and night owl movies. They had two hours to show films or even movies that had come out a few years before. That’s basically what we’re going to do with indie films.”
Walking Wolf Sees the Internet as the Future of Entertainment
Walking Wolf has created the site because they know that the future of entertainment is destined to happen on the world wide web. As Fornari remarked, “The way that we watch television is on its way out… The new televisions that come out, I just say that they’re monitors. But as far as cable, and it being broadcast through the air or through digital, I think it’s all done. It’s all going to be Internet based now — wifi. The TV is only going to be connected to the tower and that’s basically it.”
In addition to staying ahead of the curve technologically, Fornari and his partners are also helping to promote a community that they’ve been an integral part of for years. He noted that they hope to shine a light on indie artists, “It was an idea I came up with to give people more options and to help out the independent community with showing their stuff. Not just for film festivals... It’s a place where anybody who truly is an independent filmmaker can actually showcase their hard work.”
Walking Wolf Creating an Internet Series called ‘Under the Sun’
Of course, Walking Wolf will be distributing their own work as well. They are currently in production on the first series that will run on the site.
Fornari gave a rundown of the project. “‘Under the Sun’ will be our first series. Think ‘Tales of the Crypt’ — but it’s not horror. It’s based around a bartender and everybody comes to his bar. And when people come in, he gives them their drink and then he asks them what’s their problem. And they start telling their story of what their problem is — or whatever, it could be comedy or drama or action, whatever it may be — you go into real time and the story plays out… And then at the end of it, he gives his wise words.”
Walking Wolf partner Kevin Walton stars in “Under the Sun” and wrote the first episode, which is directed by the company’s own Frank Battiston. But Fornari noted, “Each episode after that will be written by a different writer and directed by a different director, meaning that it will never look the same… I’m giving them about 90% creative freedom. The rest I’ve got to keep it under control to make sure people want to watch it.”
Walking Wolf Has a Contest to Find New Content
This Internet series will be the first of many that they hope to launch, but Fornari and his company can’t do it alone. So they have created a contest that allows hopeful auteurs the opportunity to submit their own concepts for consideration.
Interested parties can either submit a script or a filmed pilot, if one exists. The Walking Wolf team and a panel of judges will evaluate the projects before it goes in front of test audiences. Those concepts that pass muster will find a spot on
For contest rules and more information about Walking Wolf Productions, visit their website.


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