X FACTOR favourite Ben Mills last night dramatically revealed all about his secret past—as a cocaine addict mad for sex with rock groupies.
His wild lust even forced him to leap from a lover's window one night and shin down her drainpipe when her jealous boyfriend turned up.
Long-haired Ben, 26, admitted all his shocking exploits to the News of the World in his first major interview since finding fame on the smash-hit TV show, where he's an evens bet to win the contest and a £1million recording contract.
He confessed the full story behind his cocaine hell
HOW he got helplessly hooked after just one sniff
HOW soon he couldn't go out without taking it
WHAT a miserable wreck it turned him into
Ben's shameful drug abuse began when he started touring with tribute band The LA Doors, mimicking American legends The Doors.
"Before the tour I remember sitting down with my family and watching the movie about the real Doors, starring Val Kilmer," he said.
"My mum was appalled. She said, ‘It's all sex, drugs and rock and roll!' I joked, ‘Well I've got no interest in the drugs part!'" But ironically, it ended up becoming an all-consuming obsession.
"It started on the very first gig we did in Europe. I went into the dressing room totally buzzing from the live performance, and one of the management was chopping out lines of white powder on a table.
"I knew straight away what it was. The lead singer looked at me warily and said, ‘I'm not getting involved in this. But it's your choice, you do what you want.'
"I just thought what the hell, and got stuck in. But from that very first sniff, I was hooked.
"Cocaine bewitched me. It made me feel invulnerable and untouch-able. I loved that buzz and craved it more and more with every line.
"In the end I couldn't have a social night without it. That's how strong a hold it had on me. But it turned me into a miserable f***er."
Ben, who also confessed to taking cannabis, speed, ecstasy and acid, realised he was an addict while touring with funk band Benzego over the past 18 months. He finally kicked the habit after starting intensive counselling sessions in March.
He swears he has not touched cocaine since and vows he'll never fall foul again. "The buzz I get from performing on stage is the best buzz anyone can get, and it's all natural," he said. "That's the only thing I need from now on."
Well, that and the sex! Ben admits he filled his boots gigging all over Europe with the LA Doors, playing to crowds of up to 18,000, many of them gorgeous girls desperate to spend the night with a rock star—even a tribute one.
Ben told us: "I had some of the most outrageous sex of my life after a gig at an English uni during Freshers Week where this fantastic brunette in the audience caught my eye.
"Afterwards we met up in the bar and got talking, then things progressed nicely and we went back to her hall of residence."
Modestly he added: "It was a legendary night—even with the breadth of my experience that has to be one of the best. We only got a couple of hours' sleep because when dawn broke, we were at it AGAIN. She woke me in a very special way and then we got back down to business.
"We were so into it neither of us heard her boyfriend stomping down the corridor until he was hammering on the door. He knew exactly what was going on. I leapt up and pulled on my pants while he was thumping away. The girl was terrified.
"I'd only just managed to pull on my clothes and climb out the window onto the drainpipe when he burst in and started yelling in a blind rage.
"But I didn't stick around to listen. I sprinted down the road, doing my jeans up as I went, jumped into a taxi and got out of there. It was a shame to have to leave in such a hurry. I did get her number, but I didn't really think it would be appropriate to call. But I'd definitely be up for meeting her again. She still owes me the rest of that s***!
"It sounds like a cliché, but I actually did have a girl in every port.
"They went absolutely crazy for us. We had nearly as many groupies as the real Doors! I couldn't beat them off with a dirty stick. One time we did a gig in Holland, and I ended up having sex with this stunning blonde. It was a sensational night and afterwards we swapped some pretty hot texts.
"But a few days after we'd left I got a furious phone call. This Dutch guy was roaring at me, ‘Nixt time you in Holland I f***ing keel you!' It was her boyfriend—he'd found the messages and was none too pleased.
"We did do another gig in Holland, and for the entire night I was peering out from the stage into the darkness, terrified someone was going to dash up and cut my throat. Luckily he never tracked me down."
But Ben's crazy love life has landed him in plenty more scrapes.
Ex-girlfriend Anna Barratt, 28, claims Ben cheated three times before dumping her for best pal, actress Siobhan Hewlett—a family friend of X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne.
Model Anna revealed that he loved sex all over the place—on the beach, in the sea, even on his piano. And he boasted to her how he'd enjoyed non-stop sex with groupies.
Anna took revenge for his betrayal by hiding smelly chunks of tuna under his piano keys, pouring bleach on his clothes and gluing up his door lock. After admitting criminal damage she faces a bill for £4,500!
Ben told us: "She was an absolute psycho and a huge attention seeker!"
суббота, 1 октября 2016 г.
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