For the daughter of Kate and William, it was the first official visit. She charmed the largest Commonwealth countries.
Prince George looked at the man in a suit and tie from the corner of the eye, the dubious pout, before turning her head. Class contempt? The young and dashing Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, had beautiful repeating the gesture, tender his hand to George that he slams his, what is called a "high five" in America, the future sovereign it is not allowed to take. As Barack Obama who had charmed the heir to the British throne by offering him a rocking horse , Trudeau wanted to play it cool ... But George does not seem to appreciate the excessive familiarity of the people of the New World.
On the tarmac, alongside its big brother, Charlotte had a more pleasant air, a sacred pair of cheeks and a pretty barrette. The girl is the youngest, fourth in the order of succession to the throne of England, but it will have little princesses, a childhood dream model smocked dress in which we imagine a destiny grandiose. The great grand-daughter of the Queen will take the female torch of the English monarchy, a mix of glamor, temperament and historical responsibilities bequeathed him her elders. At 16 months, she is already feeling; on leaving the plane, its clear outfit contrasted with darker clothes of his parents and brother. You could not see it.
The Cambrige at Victoria Airport, Saturday, September 24.© Nunn Syndication / News Pictures
William and his wife, came to Canada after their marriage in 2011 , honoring this time for being the western part of the country, Vancouver, British Columbia, Yukon ... For the duke and duchess, it is no no holidays, but a useful trip to address important topics, social and ecological. The day after their arrival, Kate and William visited in a difficult neighborhood in Vancouver, a refuge for isolated and mothers suffering from addictions, in which motherhood was born, inspired by the one designed by Diana in 1990, in Glasgow, Scotland.
Accompanied by Justin Trudeau and Sophie, they then went into a shelter for refugees, a policy choice that allowed Justin Trudeau to emphasize the action of his country in hosting 30,000 Syrian refugees last year . The day ended with a reception around young Canadian cultural actors and Justin Trudeau decided to present to William and Kate a coastguard Vancouver teams enjoyed a nod to William, himself even rescue at sea.
The head of the Canadian government and his wife have only ten years older than William and Kate. They are almost the same generation, face the same international conflicts and committed to the environment; their agreement is natural and common causes. Thus, Cambridge visited on Monday in the famous rainforest Great Bear, one of the last in the world still preserved, home to grizzly bears, black bears, deer, black-tailed and other cougars ... Lively lint for children, but especially the opportunity to address the sensitive issue of global warming.
Another challenge spearheaded by couples Trudeau Cambridge: the defense of endangered dialects. William and Kate celebrated in Bella Bella, town of less than 2,000 inhabitants and important Indian reservation, arts, culture and indigenous languages.
In this princely week, Kate must change three times a day
Along the way, the royal couple had booked a romantic getaway, a night without the urchins. Wednesday, while George and Charlotte slept with their nanny to the governor of the province, in Victoria, their parents rested head to head. One would have imagined that only a luxury hotel can meet the needs of the future king of perfidious Albion, and there would have been very wrong.
Real housed in a modest hotel, the High Country Inn in Whitehorse. While the Canadian government had chosen the most beautiful suite, the "King Jacuzzi Premium," which had to reassure William, but he would not have taken the couple informed of the qualities of this home on the TripAdvisor website: there would have read reports which boast especially the filth and the smell of sewage ... Kate and William want close to the people, so it did not have to bother them.
Much speculation circulated on an essential subject of this princely week: the wardrobe of Kate. She has to change on average three times a day, making a lot of fabric to carry. It is customary for her to greet the symbols of the country that receives it. But no matter to dress in Eskimo, as Queen Anne and her daughter had done in 1970. Neither Canadian flag on legs, as the late Diana, during his visit in 1983. Kate is more subtle, less adventurous as . What some critics accuse him also, this calm style, chic, simple but dull. As his look.
In 1986, Princess Diana, during his official visit to Vancouver, had swapped the classic taffeta dress pants and a tuxedo jacket to rock out more easily with the Canadian singer Bryan Adams, author of a song being dedicated to him. In 2016, unlikely that Kate indulges in a wild dance while listening to Celine Dion. She still enjoys walking two ... With Sophie Trudeau, Canada's first lady, the Duchess as a fashionista duo that delighted the audience and photographers, providing tones of their dresses in the same modern style sexy.
As always, Kate is elegant, smiling; but she knows, whatever its holding that it is no longer the star.Before she eclipsed the bland William. Even abroad, commentators have eyes only for George and Charlotte. In Canada, Cambridge kids were photographed, admired and compared to three children Trudeau, older, with whom they shared snacks. According to his mother, blond and patrician George is turbulent and playful, while his little sister would be more peaceful, less dissipated.
The Queen leaves Kate and William ramp up, exist independently of his person
"I can not believe how fast they grow. It's amazing how time flies, "commented Kate Vancouver. If both heirs spent their first years in the country, out of sight, at Anmer Hall in Norforlk where Kate likes to live and where William works as a rescue helicopter pilot, this quiet time is about to be gone. The Duke and Duchess will now reside more often in London, in their apartments in Kensington.
Since it appears that the Queen, nicknamed "Gan Gan" by his great-grand-son George, is not immortal, the rest of the family should be prepared to replace for certain events.Elizabeth II is not diminished. We have seen recently in Balmoral, driving her own Range Rover ... But this is to "promote" the members of the "Company" likely to succeed him. The monarchy will not stop with Elizabeth; Charles and Camilla, William and Kate need to be visible, popular, present to be credible in the role of their lives monarchs. The links developed by Kate and William with the Trudeau torque will also in this direction. The Queen leaves room for them so they stepped up, exist independently of him.
This was achieved in Canada, where a poll put William in the lead of the favorite members of the royal family, before Charles and the Queen. Same effect in England, where only 25% of respondents want Charles becomes king, against 54% for William. The attraction of youth, no doubt. But the monarchy is not opinion poll case or selection of a sovereign by the common people. It is a matter of protocol order, neither more nor less.William and gradually appears to take taste.
He who was long restive in his role as "royal", preferring to take refuge on the island of Anglesey and in Norfolk, rather than investing full time representation in this job, knows that his turn came. And royal watchers, these journalists from the royal thing that mark the Duke of Cambridge in the pants, found him for several more inclined months to confide in, to share his doubts, to tell the pain once felt at the death of his mother Diana, as he did with a patient in a hospital, there are few. He and Kate, very committed to the cause of children with mental health problems do not become champions all categories of empathy as could be the Princess of Wales, but they follow his path.
Unlike Diana, their road seems calm, serene, away from the media frenzy of the 1990s All the weighted loves William.
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