The abdication of Edward VIII made the front pages of British newspapers on December 11, 1936. Here "The Star"Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
10 December 1936. 80 years ago to the day, King Edward VIII signed his abdication surrounded by his three brothers, including the future George VI.
Thursday could have been a day like any other in England. It will instead be one of the most historic days of the British kingdom and of his vast empire.
This Dec. 10, King Edward VIII, who succeeded his father at the beginning of this year 1936, is located in Fort Belvedere, his country house in Windsor Great Park. At 9 h 40, the Duke of York Prince Albert--the joins.Five minutes later, comes the Duke of Gloucester - Prince Henry. At 9 h 50, it was the turn of the Duke of Kent -the Prince George- move the grid. The four son of the late King George V and Queen Mary met. Surrounded by his brothers in his office, the ruler is about to reverse forever the course of his destiny.
The four son of King George V George Duke of Kent, Edward Prince of Wales, Albert Duke of York, Henry Duke of Gloucester in 1933© MARY EVANS / SIPA
At 10 am, in the presence of two lawyers -Walter Monckton, Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall, and Sir Edward Peacock, Receiver General of the Duchy of Lancaster-, Edward VIII signs it down his abdication. It reads: "I, Edward the Eighth, King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, hereby declare my determination to irrevocably renounce the throne for Me -even and my descendants, and my desire that this act of abdication take effect immediately. "
Abdication of King Edward VIII, December 10, 1936© MARY EVANS / SIPA
In its edition of day, the "Daily Express" reported: "The Duke of York was the first witness to put his hand on one of the more historical than this country has ever known. Pale and tense, he nevertheless firmly affixed his signature on the waiver of his brother. The Duke of Gloucester followed, then the Duke of Kent. " At noon, the papers are brought to London.
Edward VIII would not be king without the support of his beloved Wallis
At 15 h 40, the abdication of Edward VIII was officially announced at Westminster. The next day, December 11, the one that is only Edward Windsor address broadcast a moving message to his former subjects of the United Kingdom and the Empire. Indicating that he will leave England on the same night, he wished to explain: "I have found it impossible to continue to carry my heavy responsibility and perform the way I wanted my duties as king without the help and support the woman I love".
Who says abdication said new king. The Duke of York immediately inherits the throne abandoned by its big brother, after only 325 days of reign, and took the name George VI. It will be crowned May 12, 1937, the date originally scheduled for the coronation of his eldest. As to the latter, here it is free to marry his beloved Wallis Simpson.
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