The little prince Hisahito Japan with his parents Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko in Nagasaki, December 6, 2016Toshiro Kuto / Yomiuri / The Yomiuri Shimbun
Aged 10 years, the little prince Hisahito of Japan, one grand-son of Emperor Akihito, was collected on Tuesday with his parents in Nagasaki.
It was the first time he came to honor the too numerous victims of the Nagasaki nuclear attack. Like his father Akishino Prince and his mother Princess Kiko, Prince Hisahito filed a bouquet of white flowers this Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at Ground Zero Memorial, the Peace Park of the martyred city.
The prince Hisahito of Japan and his mother Princess Kiko in Nagasaki, December 6, 2016© Toshiro Kuto / Yomiuri / The Yomiuri Shimbun
And, like his parents, the boy of 10 years old, wearing a dark suit and tie, bowed before the monument in memory of some 74 000 people have died this August 9, 1945.
The little prince Hisahito met a "hibakusha"
"The Japan Times" reported that this gesture of meditation took place as part of a private tour of the royal couple and their son in Nagasaki. The trio also went to visit the Museum of the Atomic Bomb and the Museum of History and Culture. The Japanese media also indicates, citing information provided by the Agency of the Imperial House of Japan, qu'Hisahito met on that occasion the former president of Nagasaki University Hideo Tsuchiyama. Aged 91 years, this "hibakusha" (this is how the Japanese call the survivors of the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) told him about his experience.
The prince Hisahito Japan with his parents in Nagasaki, December 6, 2016© Toshiro Kuto / Yomiuri / The Yomiuri Shimbun
The prince Hisahito is the only grand-son of Emperor Akihito. He is third in line to the throne after his uncle Chrysanthemum Prince Naruhito and his father Prince fumihito.
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