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воскресенье, 24 июля 2016 г.


Rants in his pants
By Rachel Richardson
HOUSEMATES and BB fans were saying ‘knickers' to Big Brother's sexist superslob John McCririck last night.
The porky racing pundit is odds-on to be evicted first and ranted to the other celebs: "The public hates me and you lot hate me."
And he's sliding further down the popularity poll with his jibes at the girls, refusal to do chores...and his passion-killer pants.
No one could have failed to see John's giant Y-fronts, as he strides around the house with his saddlebags on show.
After seeing the lardy loudmouth half-naked Caprice screeched: "Don't gross me out! I'm going to yack all over!"
But even fully clad, McCririck is making enemies in the house.
He labelled feminist icon Germaine Greer "the Gorgon" for objecting to his sexist remarks. He said: "It's a great name for her. She's just a trendy environmentalist."
He told Caprice she had it easy because of her looks and sniped at blonde bombshell Brigitte Nielsen: "Your hair is awful. You have boy's hair. Cover that forehead up!"
The great Dane smacked him on the backside, and told him: "If I were you I'd check in the mirror before talking."
Then, in a startling admission, the Channel 4 punters' pal revealed he'd already had sackloads of hate mail because of his right-wing views. And Germaine stuck the boot in by biting back: "Life is unfair...with that face you should know that already!"
Unsurprisingly, tubby tipster John refused to join in when DJ Lisa and Jeremy put the rest of the gang through a rigorous workout.
Caprice, Kenzie and even indie star Bez joined in and worked up a sweat but John just sat slobbering over Caprice.
However, he wasn't the only one caught ogling. Jeremy gave Germaine an eyeful when he got out of the Jacuzzi in thin white pants...and Germaine didn't look away!
Today one of the housemates will be crowned BB king or queen when the house is transformed into a medieval court.
One of them will be chosen at random and pampered for the next three days by the rest of the gang. They'll have their bed warmed, food tasted and be carried around in a sedan chair. And they won't have to lift a finger round the house.
Just a normal day for John.

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