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воскресенье, 24 июля 2016 г.

Big row after Evans refuses Billie more cash

I won't pay my Billie
By Rav Singh
IT'S getting ugly between CHRIS EVANS and estranged missus BILLIE PIPER. They had a furious showdown at Camden Market...over cash.
Billie reckons the monthly allowance she gets from her ex isn't enough to keep her in the lifestyle she's grown accustomed to.
And with her new love AMADU SOWE unable to help—what with him being a student-cum-tantric sex expert—she's after more.
But Chris reckons that if Amadu can open the gateway to sexual and spiritual ecstasy, he can also open an account at Barclays. So, he says, Billie can go whistle.
I'm told: "They never wanted to fall out over money, but Chris has something BIG coming up.
"He's rebuilding his life, throwing himself into work and he's got a major announcement coming tomorrow which is sure to rock the world of radio.
"And with all this going on he's in no mood to up Billie's cash and finance her student boyfriend."
Everything came to a head this week when the two had a huge row in London's Camden market.
My source revealed: "It looked amicable at first, but then Chris started waggling his finger and it looked like he was getting angry.
"Billie isn't trying to be unreasonable and there's no way Chris would see her go short. But he won't be taken for granted."
The couple, who tied the knot in Las Vegas in 2001, have now reached stalemate and they are barely talking to each other.
Chris, 38, once estimated to be worth a whopping £80 million, is now said to have just £25 million.
And as the couple didn't sign a pre-nup before they wed, Billie, 22, stands to get half of everything in a divorce settlement.
So Chris has been flogging his furniture at Camden, and he's sold several properties, including his Surrey mansion.
The source added: "It's a shame it's come to this."

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