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вторник, 12 июля 2016 г.

EVIL Jonathan King : I LOVE JAIL

Warped pop tycoon's rant
PAEDOPHILE star Jonathan King claims he is so pampered in prison that he is enjoying his time behind bars.
The former TV and pop mogul, jailed for seven years for abusing schoolboys, was warned by Judge David Paget at his trial: "It may well be that your time in prison will not be easy."
But speaking out on his own ‘fan club' website, big-mouth King brags: "This has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. If someone offered me ten million pounds to change it, to erase the past two years, I'd refuse it."
Those two years have included prolonging the agony for his victims as he used the best legal team money could buy in a vain attempt to wriggle out of the charges.
But King, 57, rants on: "Money could not buy the numerous invaluable, priceless observations I've acquired."

King was jailed last November for six offences of indecent assault, having sex with boys and attempting to have sex with boys aged 14 to 16.
In a second outburst the millionaire, who was held in custody before his conviction, drones on: "Here's the JK observation on the last twelve months.
"Inmates—fascinating. Three types— the truly guilty of bad deeds are often good people who made a mistake or, at worst, have an evil streak. Very few if any are totally bad. The second type is the truly innocent—tragic, unfair, ruined men who have suffered at the hands of corrupt, lazy British police methods and legal anomalies.
"The third type is the vast majority—those guilty of a far lesser crime than their convictions and sentence. I'm in that category."
Wherever King thinks he is, one thing is certain — he's still got years of his sentence to serve.
Still smiling Jonathan? We are.

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