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вторник, 12 июля 2016 г.


Finalist had sex romp over bonnet at the Jolly Sailor
TV POPSTARS finalist Sarah Harding stood nude in a pub car park then arched herself across the bonnet of a Toyota Corolla for sex.
Sarah, 20, was watched by millions last night as she won a coveted place in the last ten of Popstars: The Rivals.

But her lover, Nick Field, will never forget the effect on his shock absorbers after they romped in the shadow of The Jolly Sailor inn.
"It was well past closing time so there was no one around," said nightclub promotions manager Nick. "We really went at it. It was only an H-reg Toyota and it was going up and down on its springs like nobody's business.
"Thankfully Sarah wasn't a real screamer but wherever we made love you always knew she was satisfied by the way she'd grab hold of you afterwards and wouldn't let you go."
Sarah first wowed star TV judges Pete Waterman, Geri Halliwell and Louis Walsh by singing the Jacksons' I'll Be There at her audition.
She also squeezed into hotpants for rehearsals and said: "I thought I might try and steam up Pete's glasses."
Sarah, now one of the favourites to make the five-girl band to be managed by Louis Walsh, knows all about steaming up glass.
"Our trips to The Jolly Sailor car park would usually start the same way," said 24-year-old Nick.
"Her hands would be all over me, tugging at my clothes as I drove. Then she'd start kissing and fondling me even more. I had to pull in to The Jolly Sailor otherwise I'd have crashed! Even though the pub wasn't too far from her place she liked the thrill of doing it there.

"The car park's huge so we'd find a quiet corner and she'd strip down to her G-string—she always wore them.
"If it was too nippy to get on the bonnet, she'd climb over into the passenger side and push the seat back to make room for me."
Sarah isn't backward when it comes to revealing her urges.
After posing in a silver bikini for the boy racers' bible, Max Power, she told the magazine that she fantasises about having threesomes with both "boys and girls".
But Nick couldn't even guess at what was to come when they first met. She was 18 and he gave her a £4-an-hour job handing out flyers to drum up business for the Volts club at Stockport, Greater Manchester.
Within weeks they were lovers.
Soon after, Nick discovered that Sarah had few nerves when it came to performing in front of an audience.
"There was this one time when loads of us crashed at her place," he said. "I ended up on a camp bed in the lounge with my mates sleeping around me.
"In the morning I was still in bed when the rest of them were up and looking around the place. So Sarah sneaked in with me and snuggled under the covers. She had a pyjama top on but no bottoms.

"Then she slid on top of me and we started to make love.
"Then some of the lads noticed she was in there with me and wanted to know what was happening. Sarah just looked at them and said we weren't doing anything.
"But all the time she was rocking up and down on me very gently.
"Of course, they didn't believe her and pulled off the covers to see what was going on!"
Last Sunday the News of the World revealed how Sarah had posed in men's magazine FHM in a contest to find Britain's sexiest girl next door. Nick added: "She probably didn't tell Popstars producers about what we got up to, but I'm sure they're not going to mind that either. She's got real star quality with a sexy edge—you never know what she's going to do next."
Certainly her trick with a mobile phone took him by surprise.
"She programmed it to vibrate when anyone called," he said. "Then she'd hold it to herself, really sexily, and get me to ring her time and again. She said it gave her such a thrill."
Sarah's relationship with Nick fizzled out after a few months when she left the club and returned to a former boyfriend.
"I saw her in a nightclub months after we'd split," said Nick. "There was something different about her and then I realised what it was—she'd had a nose job. Now it was totally straight.
"She used to be a bit self-conscious about her nose because it had a hump in the middle. She always said she'd have an operation once she could afford it — and now she had." Along with a new nose, Sarah has also gained a fair bit of cheek...she has sent Prince Harry a few sexy photos of herself.
Sarah, now in a Popstars safe house with the other nine female finalists, bundled the snaps into a package, added a copy of FHM magazine and asked a programme researcher to get them to Harry at Eton College, just 15 miles away.
"I know most girls fancy Wills but I've really fallen for Harry in a big way," she said.

"I've sent him some photos of me wearing a skimpy bikini and given him an open invitation to pop round any time he fancies. It's not far from his school so maybe he'll take up the offer."
A spokesman for the show said: "Prince Harry and Wills would be welcome to visit the house any time."
Sarah's ex-lover Nick added: "I watch her on telly now and still think she's a great girl. I hope she's a brilliant success."

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