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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

How Sleep Loss Can Work Against You

If you think preferring to work long hours and losing sleep can help you achieve more, think again. Sleep loss can actually affect you negatively. Here are negative effects that sleep deprivation can do to you.
Drowsiness and reduced alertness. Studies show that losing at least half an hour of sleep, can decrease you alertness by about 30%, which eventually affects your memory and ability to process information. This is a cause for concern especially for people whose work environments have a lot of occupational hazards.
Increased weight. Some people might not know this, but lack of sleep can make you fat. When you lack sleep, the production of leptin- the chemical that makes you feel full- decreases, making you increasingly hungry. It also decreases your metabolic rate, causing high blood sugar and promoting overproduction of insulin, which eventually results in increased body fat.
Premature skin aging. It’s not just overexposure to the sun; lack of sleep can also cause premature aging. Anyone who’s lost sleep can attest to dark circles under the eyes and that appear the next day. Long-term and habitual lack of sleep can cause long-term and irreversible damage to your skin, such as dull complexion, and wrinkles. Sleep is the time when the skin repairs itself so don’t deprive your skin the beauty sleep it needs.
A lot of people take sleeping for granted. Taking control to get the proper amount and quality of sleep requires much effort, but the rewards- better health, better mood, energized feeling for the rest of the day- are very much worth it.

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