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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

How to Help Your Child Learn Other Things After School

School is just around the corner. And when you’ve already finished the preparation for the upcoming year, it’s probably time for another extra-curricular activity. Some parents don’t think much of involving their kids in an after school activity. But activities outside the academics can be highly beneficial for your kids and probably for you too!
What do your kids usually do after school hours? Video games, TV, and reading comic books — if your child’s after school activity is one of these choices, it’s not very productive, is it?
It’s not about you depriving your kid of some rest. The most important thing is to give your child interesting options which he can enjoy so we won’t feel like being pushed to be active.
Determine your child’s artistic tendency. Does your child love to sing? Are there manifestations of an aspiring painter or a musician? You know your kid enough to know what kind of things he might enjoy and so you choose among piano, swimming, painting or voice lessons. If you’ve found the right activity, you’re child will even be thrilled about it.
What are the benefits of your child having after-school activities? There are some who believe that giving your child some extra responsibilities will result in character-building values such as discipline, involvement and ability take on more tasks.
Ask the parents of your child’s classmates what kind of after-school activities they’re involving their children in. This way, you will have a feedback from moms who’ve been on the same road you’re planning to take on. You’ll also be spared of the effort to look up tried and tested activities which gain good results in your child’s development.

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