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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

How to Make the Most Out of Sleep

A lot of people don’t give much thought to their sleeping habits. And even more people think it’s just normal to wake up every morning feeling sluggish and wanting to steal a few more minutes under the covers. This is an ultimately wrong notion, as sleep is supposed to help you get energized. If you’re feeling tired every morning, it means you’re in grave need of quality good night’s sleep, and here are some ways to get it.
Avoid taking long naps during the day. This will only mess up your body clock and makes you harder to sleep at night. If you really need to, take only quick naps with a maximum duration of 15 to 30 minutes.
Don’t smoke, minimize caffeine and alcohol. Aside from the health problems associated with smoking, the cigarettes have the stimulant nicotine which can make sleeping difficult. Also avoid drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages at least four hours before sleep since they also have stimulants that may keep you from sleeping.
Keep a regular sleeping schedule and stick to it. Consistency is very important. This helps your body to get used to sleeping and waking properly. So, try to sleep and wake up at about the same time everyday, even on the weekends. This will keep you from losing sleep and also stop you from wanting more sleep during your active hours.
Help your brain to shut down. Refrain from thinking of what to do for the next day, as this will signal your brain to keep thinking. Instead, visualize something calming, such as a quiet beach, or repetitive, such as counting sheep. This will tell your brain to quiet down and prepare for sleep.

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