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суббота, 23 июля 2016 г.

Signs of ADHD and Treatment Options

Knowing the signs of ADHD, the effects, and how to successfully treat it will promote encouragement for the child and parent.
Children often show characteristics of ADHD before 7 years of age. Most ADHD children are fidgety, constant talkers, and cannot focus for a long period of time on one task or subject. Adults often mistake these children as unruly, and use wrong discipline techniques to correct the behavior.

Identifying ADHD in Children 7 and Under

Those who have ADHD are usually over energetic. Impulsive to the point of not thinking of how actions will affect others. The "reward system" has little to no effect, and they may tend to talk a lot as well as interrupt conversations.
Most cases of ADHD are evident by the age of seven. All children fidget and have trouble concentrating at times, but children with ADHD have these problems more often. According to WebMD, these actions (and perhaps some others), have to occur for more than 6 months in multiple settings.

Types of ADHD

There are three types of ADHD:
  1. Hyperactive/Impulsive. A child might be extremely energetic and impulsive, but she is still able to sit and focus.
  2. Inattentive. This type is hard to recognize right away. A child might seem like he is fine, but in truth he may be unable to mentally stay on task. Many with inattentive ADHD, are not diagnosed until later in life when work loads get heavier and tasks more difficult.
  3. Hyperactive/Impulsive/Inattentive ADHD. Those who have all three are the most common to get diagnosed immediately. Mainly because it is evident in all areas of social, home, and school life.
If parents believe their child has ADHD, then they need to talk with her doctor. The doctor will likely gather information about the child from various sources (school, family, and so on). Then he will consider whether her behavior is similar or contradicting to those her age. If she is diagnosed with ADHD, the next step is how to treat her.

What to Do for Children with ADHD

Many studies show that a combination of therapy and medication help. In fact, it seems to be extremely beneficial. Even so, many parents are apprehensive about using medication to treat ADHD. It is always important to remember, medication takes the symptoms away but is not a cure. Since many parents would rather not place their child on drugs, for many reasons, here are some ways to help children with ADHD.

Treatments For ADHD in Children

  • Change in Diet. It is proven that sugar and carbohydrates increase "blood sugar level." For children with ADHD, this can cause more hyperactivity and impulsiveness. According to WebMD, fiber helps manage adrenaline levels. It is very important to maintain a healthy, well-balanced menu for those with ADHD. As it can, sometimes, help reduce hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattentiveness. However, do not take away a lot of foods from the diet, always consult a physician or nutritionist if planning to take large portions of certain foods out of the diet.
  • Daily Routines. Children with ADHD do not always handle change well, and need several things in a daily routine to be the same. Some ways to keep him on schedule and less likely to give in to impulsive activities is: set times for television (which should be reduced as much as possible), quiet/homework time, playtime, meal times, and bedtime. If he is involved in outside activities, schedule that into the weekly routine. Doing this helps him adapt better to events, and also keeps distractions at a minimum.
  • Therapy. This is very beneficial to those with hyperactivity. It will help her learn how to adapt to change and objects in her environment. It also helps parents create a routine to help her, and will promote positive "social interaction." Some therapies will help the child learn how to manage stress and emotions, improve self esteem and organization, and help achieve goals.
  • Parent Training and Support Groups. Parents have to learn the best way to effectively help their child live successful with ADHD. Parent training courses and support groups can shed light as to what does work and why, and what does not work and why. It is also good to be around others who can support and help.
  • Exercise. Everyone needs to exercise, and it is extremely important. Movement, running, walking, playing sports, and being active is a great way to reduce symptoms. It can also help with concentration.
  • Water. Everyone needs water, and it is extremely important to reduce syrupy and sweet drinks. Water hydrates and without it the mind has a hard time focusing. Most children (and many adults) forget to drink water or push it away, but it is extremely important and essential.
  • Sleep. A good sleep schedule is even more important. The body will not function right if it does not get adequate rest. 9 hours of sleep for a child with ADHD is not a bad idea. Do not let the child eat any sweets after a certain time, and have a strict bedtime routine in order to ensure adequate sleep for growth and development.
Overall, it is important to remember, there is no set cure for ADHD. If interested in combining medication and other options to treat it, talk with a doctor. Know the effects and side of effects of the medication. If the medication seems not to help or is a concern, then talk about other options.


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