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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.

Things that You Should (Try to) Remember when Drunk

Do you tend to lose it all after a few drinks? We’ve all been down that road before – having more than we can handle, not remembering how we got home, and waking up with the worst headache ever. Though there are those things that you could just dread happening “the morning after” aside from the hangover of course. Here’s our take on what you should try to remember when drunk.

Are you or aren’t you drunk? You are. If you’ve gotten yourself drunk enough to render yourself unable to drive, then at least make sure you can still walk yourself home. Don’t order that last drink because you should’ve had your last a few drinks ago. If you’re drinking with friends, you might think it’s ok to get wasted because someone’s going to drive, but think again. If each one of you has the same backup plan, then you’re all going to end up sleeping in the dumps. If you do plan to get wasted, assign someone in the group to stay sober so you can get drunk and get home safely.
Don’t forget that the last time you talked about politics or your favorite baseball team, you got into a fight. Just because you love Kobe Bryant so much that you’d kill people who call him “ballhog” or “rapist,” means you should. Imagine your lack of control when drunk. A few bottles might make you forget that a particular topic is something you’ll fight for, tooth and nail. Avoid topics which usually heat you up lest you end up brawling again, then crawling home.
Don’t come home with a girl you picked up when you were drunk. First of all, you weren’t thinking straight when you decided you like her. Don’t bring strangers to your home because you might end up getting robbed, or getting an STD. Good luck on slipping on a condom if you can barely even walk.
No questions asked, the best way to get past the night is to sleep it off. You can’t do any harm to anyone or to yourself if you just sleep. The next thing you know, it’s morning. You may have a headache, but it could’ve been so much worse.

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