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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

Bigamist wife wild sex demands tore me apart

ONE was never enough for bigamist bride Amileannya Carmichael—so she begged hubby No2 to make up the numbers in a three-in-a-bed lesbian sex romp.
Hapless Sean Cunningham's days were numbered when he refused to play any part in Amileannya's kinky fantasies.
And he finally realised he no longer figured in her plans when she moved hubby No3 into their home.
Sean, whose wife was jailed for six months this week for being married to FOUR men at once, revealed: "She first mentioned the three-in-a-bed fantasy very early in our relationship. It was something that clearly turned her on.
"But I said no then— and I said no again when she asked me during the final weeks of our relationship. I know it sounds like most men's idea of heaven, but it was not mine."
Sean admitted he was beguiled by the woman he knew as Emily, but soon realised she was "obsessed" with sex.
"She could be stood washing the dishes and I knew she'd just be thinking dirty thoughts," he said.
"If she had her way we'd have had it all day, every day. I did things with her I've never done with anyone else. She even wanted women as well as men."
Sean described how Carmichael—who has worked as a prostitute and made porn films—got her kicks from putting on a show.
"Emily loved nothing more than having sex where she thought other people could see.
"Quite often she'd pull me over to our bedroom window, pull the curtains open and make me have sex where our neighbours or people walking their dogs could easily have seen.
"As a private person it was something I did not particularly enjoy. But I did it to keep her happy."
They had sex in every room of the house—even on the stairs.
"We didn't even take our clothes off when we did it standing there about seven steps up," said Sean.
"But that was Emily all over. Sex was always on her mind."
Bowling alley manager Sean met Carmichael in 1998, two years after she had married first husband Paul Rigby, then an 18-year-old soldier, in York.
She was working behind the bar at Sean's bowling alley and from Day One he fell for her charms.
He was disappointed when she started dating one of his closest friends, but when that relationship crumbled she turned her attentions back to Sean.
"I made it clear I was not prepared to start a relationship with her until she had ended it with my mate," he said. "The day after we shared our first kiss she did as I asked and ended it with him."
Within hours Carmichael was having sex with Sean and asking if she could move in.
"I did think it was all moving a bit fast, but by then I'd started to fall in love with her," he said.
It took just two weeks for Carmichael to mention marriage.
Sean recalled: "To say I was shocked is an understatement. Yes I was in love with her, but we had only known each other two minutes. I told her it was far too early and nothing more was said."
But a fortnight later she issued him an ultimatum—a ring on her finger or she was off.
"I began to think seriously about doing what she had asked," said Sean. But Emily took matters into her own hands.
She told him to meet her at the pub, where—in full view of staff and customers—she presented him with a ring box. "When I opened it there was an engagement ring inside and next to it a note, saying, ‘You know what to do with it'.
"That's how desperate she was to get married—she actually bought her own ring."
The couple wed at Leeds register office on February 6, 1999, but within weeks Emily took up a job offer in Norway and left their terraced house in Leeds.
She was away for six weeks and when she returned Sean began to fear his marriage was in trouble.
Their previously lively sex life went flat and Sean began to suspect he was not the only man in her life.
Then, just weeks after she'd returned home, Emily said she was going back to Norway.
Sean said: "I was utterly heartbroken and begged her to stay, but within hours of her telling me she was in a taxi and on her way. I now know she had been having at least two affairs out in Norway."
She returned four months later, ran into Sean's arms and declared her undying love.
But he said: "The passion we had shared was gone and Emily seemed a different person—like her mind was somewhere else.
"I had always struggled to keep up with her demands for sex and it just got worse. The more outrageous her demands became the more I withdrew. By this time I already suspected she had slept with many many more men behind my back, something my friends confirmed when we split up.
"And when she begged me to participate in a three-in-a-bed sex session with one of her female friends, it was just too much."
Fed-up Emily then announced she was leaving him for one of his friends and Sean's world fell apart. He gave up his job and even stopped eating.
"Emotionally and financially I was a wreck," he said.
But his wife came up with the answer to his money worries at least—she and her new man would move in and help with the bills.
Emily first made Sean swear not to tell her boyfriend they were married and moved into the spare room with Chris Barrett, 21.
Sean said: "I can't describe the torture I endured watching them go to bed together every night."
Then a few weeks later they came home wearing wedding rings. "It was my worst nightmare. I went upstairs to my room and sobbed," said Sean.
He kept his promise not to reveal his relationship with Emily, but Chris found a letter addressed to Mrs Cunningham, worked things out and reported her.
She was let off with a caution and the three of them carried on living under the same roof until Emily finally moved out.
She worked as a prostitute before meeting James Matthews, who she married in a church ceremony in 2002. But when she left four months later to move in with his friend, James went to the police.
She is now behind bars and although Sean still cares for Emily he insists he's no longer smitten.
He said: "I am gradually starting to get over her and can say hand on heart I no longer love her."

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