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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.

Making Fast Food Just a Bit More Healthy

Sometimes, it’s quite difficult to resist fast food. It’s probably the grease and the salt that makes it so yummy. Especially if you’re hurrying for some quick lunch and you don’t have any choice but a hamburger and fries. Then again, those clog up your arteries and kidneys and bloat you up making you coffin-ready before you even hit 30. Despite this, you can still have a relativelyhealthier meal if you just follow these tips.

There are fast foods out there that also cater to vegetarians by havingvegetable variants of their menu. Why not limit your choices to these food items?
Request for less fatty cheese when ordering pizza or burgers. Or you can opt for a single cheese burger rather than the more calorie-laden double-cheese burger. If you can do without it altogether, then the better it is.
Choose chicken or fish products rather than beef or pork.
Avoid fries or onion rings for your side dishes. If there is a salad choice, then you would be better off with that instead. You may also want to satisfy yourself with plain salad anyway.
Try to stay away from deserts altogether or at least keep it in moderation if you are that tempted.
As for beverages, don’t even think about carbonated drinks such as cola. Ask for low fat milk, iced tea, or fruit juice. Or better yet, some bottled water would be fine.

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