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понедельник, 21 января 2019 г.

New Pictures How do YOU write your X? Diagram sparks mass debate on the correct place to start the letter

A mass debate on the correct way to draw an 'X' erupted on Twitter over the weekend.

The viral thread was kicked off by a female Twitter user from Philadelphia by the name of 'Sixers Smasey', who shared a diagram of the different ways to begin the letter.

The fascinating illustration shows the eight varying styles of drawing an X, with the colored line signifying the first stroke and direction, prompting very differing views on the 'correct' way.

According to the diagram, the user's style is often dependent on their country, with Americans said to gravitate towards the seventh and eight style, while numbers five and six supposedly typical of British users.

The sketches on the diagram show that users who follow the sequence of styles one and two start from the bottom and draw both strokes upwards.

Meanwhile both brushstrokes in sketches seven and eight begin from the top downwards, while numbers five and six switch directions after the first stroke.

Sharing the picture of the diagram, the Twitter user wrote: 'This is so interesting to me - which way do you draw an X? Colored line being the first stroke'.

She added: 'General consensus is that Americans do 7 and 8 while UK does 5 and 6. Probably how we were taught. Not sure about other countries'.

Her tweet quickly went viral, racking up over 50,000 likes, 13,000 retweets and 22,000 replies with many questioning those who started the brushstrokes at the bottom

Her tweet quickly went viral, racking up over 50,000 likes, 13,000 retweets and 22,000 replies with many questioning those who started the brushstrokes at the bottom

Her tweet quickly went viral, racking up over 50,000 likes, 13,000 retweets and 22,000 replies with many questioning those who started the brushstrokes at the bottom

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight, some explaining that it depended on the way they were taught

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight, some explaining that it depended on the way they were taught

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight, some explaining that it depended on the way they were taught

And her tweet quickly went viral, racking up over 50,000 likes, 13,000 retweets and 22,000 replies.

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight.

Many argued that the style of drawing an X was down to whether users were left or right-handed, while others claimed it was down to what you were taught at school. 

'I'm right handed. Much more natural to start the x in top right corner', one follower wrote.

Questioning the theory that Americans tended to be a seven or eight, one added: 'I’m American and I was taught number five'.

Another said of drawing the brushstroke facing downwards: '8 is finishing in the right direction.' 

And many followers questioned users followed diagrams one and two, which start with both brushstrokes at the bottom. 

One user added his own option to the viral thread and admitted he had a very unusual way of drawing the letter (pictured number nine

One user added his own option to the viral thread and admitted he had a very unusual way of drawing the letter (pictured number nine

One user added his own option to the viral thread and admitted he had a very unusual way of drawing the letter (pictured number nine

Many admitted they were air writing X letters in confusion as some added their own diagram showing the individual ways of drawing it

Many admitted they were air writing X letters in confusion as some added their own diagram showing the individual ways of drawing it

Many admitted they were air writing X letters in confusion as some added their own diagram showing the individual ways of drawing it

One user wrote on the lively thread: 'People who draw bottom to top are also the ones that put their toilet paper on the holder the wrong way.'

One user wrote on the lively thread: 'People who draw bottom to top are also the ones that put their toilet paper on the holder the wrong way.'

One user wrote on the lively thread: 'People who draw bottom to top are also the ones that put their toilet paper on the holder the wrong way.'

One user wrote: 'People who draw bottom to top are also the ones that put their toilet paper on the holder the wrong way.'

'Exactly, any other way is madness. Whoever does one or two truly terrifies me, it's like starting an S from the bottom!' a user agreed.

But another argued: 'That's not the biggest problem here, eight is writing from right to left. How many letters start from the right?' 

In a further twist other befuzzled users admitted the exercise had left them totally confused as to how they actually draw the letter. 

'Saw this. Immediately forgot how I have been drawing x's my entire lift. Had to write each one down. None felt right. Taking all words with x's out of my vocabulary until further notice,' one troubled user wrote.

Another said: 'I had to get up and write it several times to confirm.'

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight, in the lively thread

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight, in the lively thread

Trying the challenge for themselves, the majority of users appeared to follow diagrams five, six, seven and eight, in the lively thread

The very lively thread was flooded with replies from confused users who shared the different ways they drew an X

The very lively thread was flooded with replies from confused users who shared the different ways they drew an X

The very lively thread was flooded with replies from confused users who shared the different ways they drew an X

Adding their own way of drawing an X into the mix, one user wrote: 'Number 8 but plot twist is that I mostly write my Xs like this'

Adding their own way of drawing an X into the mix, one user wrote: 'Number 8 but plot twist is that I mostly write my Xs like this'

Adding their own way of drawing an X into the mix, one user wrote: 'Number 8 but plot twist is that I mostly write my Xs like this'
News Photo How do YOU write your X? Diagram sparks mass debate on the correct place to start the letter
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