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воскресенье, 24 июля 2016 г.

Maxine Carr steals food from Nuns


KILLER'S moll Maxine Carr is in trouble again —accused of stealing food from an order of nuns.
Carr, who lied in a vain bid to save Soham child murderer Ian Huntley's skin, is said to have told the religious order that she needed the grub after an attack of bulimia.
But friends of the 27-year-old former teaching assistant tipped off the News of the World that she is desperately trying to save every penny so she can start a secret new life in Africa.
An inside source revealed: "The Home Office have been informed about this latest scandal. Officials should be grilling her this weekend.
"The incident has upset a lot of people.
"When the nuns first noticed their food was going missing they pointed the finger at another woman—a devoted Christian who was distraught at being put in the frame.
"But they later realised they'd got it wrong. When Maxine was challenged by the sisters she blamed it on a return of her teenage eating disorder.
"The other woman is now hugely relieved, but still upset and bitter at being suspected in the first place.
Carr—who gave school caretaker Huntley (left) a false alibi after he murdered10-year-old pals Holly Wells and JessicaChapman (below) served only half of her 42-month jail sentence before being freed and given a new identity.
She is currently protected by a ban on publication of any details which could identify her,including any description of where she lives and the nature of her work.
Next month Carr is to ask the High Court to impose the secrecy ruling indefinitely.
Her friends insist that if she doesn't get a permanent guarantee that her living arrangements will stay under wraps she plans to flee Britain and set up home abroad. One pal said: "Maxine feels that going out to Africa is the only way she'll be given a clean slate.
"She says she wants to help orphan children and young AIDS victims and maybe meet a new partner out there.
"Lately she's been trying really hard to save up some cash to fund her trip."
Because of death threats Carr has to be protected 24 hours a day at a cost to taxpayers of £1million a year.
But police officers rarely accompany her now when she goes out. She still carries a panic alarm which colleagues say she regularly activates for no reasonexcept to seek attention.
Although Carr has switched safe houses several times to escape revenge attacks and angry locals she still lives near her workplace, with her phone, rent and all utility bills covered by her employer.
And she gets time off from her job for consultations with a Home Office psychiatrist and visits from her family.
The lifetime secrecy ruling Carr craves will not stop her cashing in on her own notoriety by writing a book or giving a TV interview.
She began to pen her autobiography — said to be a graphic account of life with Huntley — last year in prison.
Insiders say she's keen to put the record straight, especially after Huntley accused her of orchestrating the cover-up of the murders.

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