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воскресенье, 24 июля 2016 г.

Nikki Sanderson lay on the bonnet of her VW Polo and drove me wild with passion

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-love tells how Corrie
virgin became a sex-mad minx 

By Matthew Acton & Rachel Spencer
CORONATION Street babe Nikki Sanderson was just a chaste schoolgirl when she met hunky lover Jamie Meakin.

But by the time she dumped him for teen co-star Danny Young, she'd been transformed from virgin to vixen.
In the second part of our sensational interview, Jamie told how:
Nikki was RED HOT in bed even on her first time;
ROMPED with him in a swimming pool and on a car bonnet;
Told him she wanted to MARRY him just weeks before she left;
And CALLOUSLY left her pet pooch Fudge behind when she walked out.
Jamie, 25, said: "Nikki was a virgin when I met her but from the first night we slept together she seemed to have an instinct for sex. It wasn't rubbish like it is for a lot of people. In fact, I joked that it was no way her first time.
"She really seemed to know what she was doing."
Nikki—famous as Weatherfield's gobby crimper Candice Stowe—met shop manager Jamie in a Manchester nightclub when she was 16. Their romance got off to a rocky start because he couldn't cope with the attention she got from male fans.
But he soon realised he'd have to put up with it if he wanted to be with Nikki and they started dating.
However, Nikki, 20, made him wait another month before surrendering herself to him.
He said: "It meant a lot to me that when I made love to Nikki it was her first time. I liked the fact that I was her first proper boyfriend and we'd shared that first special moment together."
But from then on, Nikki was ready to romp any time, any place.
One night, she even demanded sex on the bonnet of her VW Polo.
Jamie said: "We'd been out to the pub and went back to her mum's for a coffee.
"But we stopped for a kiss outside and one thing led to another. I picked her up and threw her on to the bonnet of the car.
"She hitched up her skirt and we made love. It was quite late so there was nobody about but it's just a normal street with loads of houses so anyone could have seen.
"Nikki's got a fantastic size eight figure but she's curvy with it and has lovely breasts and a lovely rounded bum."
Another fantasy the couple made reality was Nikki's yearning for swimming pool sex.
Jamie revealed: "We went to London to see an uncle of mine whose place had an indoor pool. It was a summer's day and we'd been lazing by the water when my uncle went out.
"Nikki had been joking about having sex in the pool before so when he went out we just dived in.
"The next thing I remember, we were in the water and I was pulling down her bikini bottoms."
As their romance grew, Nikki's career took off too, and when she became a regular member of the cast she loved nothing better than hitting the town with handsome Jamie on her arm.
He said: "I went to all the Corrie parties and they were always a good laugh. All the cast are great and most loved a drink too. I got on well with Steve Arnold (Ashley Peacock) and Lucy Jo Hudson (Katy Harris)."
The pair also went on double dates with Nikki's best pal Tina O'Brien (Sarah-Louise Platt) and her fella Ryan Thomas (Jason Grimshaw).
But their relationship was not just about sex and partying.
They bought a house in Bury, near Nikki's mum and, just weeks before the split, the couple talked about getting married.
Visibly pained, Jamie recalled: "Nikki told me she wanted to get engaged later this year when she was 21 and I couldn't have wished for anything more. I even asked her dad for her hand in marriage.
"Then suddenly this lad turns up at Coronation Street and it's all over."
Nikki left their £180,000 detached home on November 14—a year after they'd moved in.
She insisted no one else was involved but she was spotted out with Danny—who plays Candice's footballer boyfriend Warren Baldwin—the very next day.
Now Jamie says Nikki has turned her back on her old pals since hooking up with her co-star.
She hasn't been in touch with former friends—preferring to go out clubbing with co-stars Tina and Lucy Jo instead.
He said: "I'm sick of our friends telling me they've phoned or texted Nikki and haven't had a reply.
"I hate to say this but she seems to be living the part of Candice and wants nothing to do with her old life.
"A lot of that is to do with Danny. He loves thinking he's the wild man of the show and loves to get his picture in the papers."

Jamie even says Candice has dumped her pet pooch Fudge. He splashed out £450 on the mini-Yorkshire terrier for her 19th birthday.
The dog lives with Jamie's mum Sue because she looked after it while they were house-hunting and it settled there.
Jamie said: "Fudge knows that Nikki is his ‘mummy' and he'd get really excited when we'd go round.
"She'd play with him for hours and take him for walks. She loved him to pieces. But since the break-up she's not phoned my mum once to ask how he is."
Now, the house in which they dreamed of starting a family has a For Sale sign outside and their wedding plans are in tatters.
Just this week Nikki and Danny were pictured canoodling on a beach in St Lucia on their first holiday.
Jamie added: "Nikki told me she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me. It all seems so silly now."

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