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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.

Preparing For Back To School, Right Now.

Four more weeks until my daughter is back in school. I know it seems that you have plenty of time to get ready, but it surprisingly goes by so quickly. We have enjoyed our time off, but I am already thinking ahead and mentally preparing myself to begin the new school year on the right foot.
Here are some things I have done the last couple of summers in order to make that first day of school the smoothest transition:

1) About 2 weeks before school starts (no later than one week before) begin re-establishing bedtime routines, and wake up routines. Now while Emily gets up at 6:30 on school days, I only make her get up around 7 or 7:30. Still, the routine of getting up and getting dressed and starting the day in a timely manner is the most important habit to get into, even for me. 
2) I take the next few weeks to go through their clothes. Move things around in their closet, reorganize, try on the uniforms and school clothes from last year, see what works and what doesn’t. She/He may need some new tennis shoes, or their shirts may fit fine for now.
3) If you have not already been doing Summer Bridge Activities, begin doing at least one worksheet or activity that will help get their brain back in “thinking” mode. One website I recently discovered that is great both for Emily who is going into first grade, and Anna who is going into Preschool, is The most user-friendly site I have seen and all educational activities! Also, in Target’s “Dollar Section” I picked up work books for both of the girls.
4) If you have the capabilities of getting your supplies list from your school, go ahead and begin collecting those items. i.e. - I know that I am going to need “treasure box” items for my girls classrooms, so I begin collecting in a bag the Mcdonald’s toys, dollar items, etc. This way I am ready to send those things in on the first day of school.

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