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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.

Tips on Making Dinner Easy

Yesterday I talked about the importance of gathering around the dinner table. The biggest reason people do not is because of time. They do not feel they have enough time to prepare a meal. There are lots of ways to cut time and effort, remember it is the time spent at the dinner table not the time preparing it.There is an entire industry dedicated to helping you create Meals in a hurry. (Ever heard of Rachel Ray? Her site not only provides you with the recipes but the grocery list itself) Here are some tips to help you save time on cooking so you can spend more time talking.

Make one grocery trip a week. Keep an ongoing list on the fridge. Once a week before going to the store, create your menu for the week, and list the items you need for those recipes. This means you will have the ingredients needed without having to run to the grocery store in the middle of the week. Saving time!
Crock Pot Recipes are great, it is done when you come home. Some great ones are Chili, Soups, I have even put chicken covered in Alfredo sauce in the crock pot. When I come home all I have to do is cook noodles, and voila Chicken Alfredo Pasta. You could even add some broccoli to it at the end, adding an easy vegetable. It is a big hit at my house.
Cook up casserole dishes, make double the recipe, and then freeze one to pull out for another night. When you do have that ballgame or practice you have to go to, you can simply pull it out that morning and pop it in the oven to cook. It is a quick frozen dinner that is homemade, and not full of all the preservatives.
If you are cooking rice, especially brown rice which takes longer to cook, cook twice as much. It will keep in the fridge for at least a week and you can use it again.
When you are slicing and dicing things you might use in other recipes, like onions, then go ahead and slice extra and save it, cutting out prep time later. My husbands grandmother gave us a slicer-dicer last Christmas, it has Glad containers with it, you slice and dice right into the storage container. So I can easily make extra, and it is quick, easy, and clean.
Do a left overs night once a week. (My mother in law taught me this) Come home, pull out all the left overs (maybe the night before you go to the grocery store) Heat them up and put it all on the table. You save money as well as time. Plus you clean out your fridge. The only clean up is the containers that held the food.
Dinner Diva, Leanne Ely, gives you healthy recipes and grocery lists for an entire week. ( They are quick and easy and some would be freezable.Any of my recipes I have listed on this site are also simple quick recipes. I do not spend a lot of time on prep. and cook, but I can still provide healthy and delicious.

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