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воскресенье, 24 июля 2016 г.

The moment the News of the World rid our streets of a monster

Evil snared
By Amanda Evans 

THIS leering paedophile thinks seven months of grooming is about to pay off as he moves in on a young girl at a children's play park.

David Shaw believed he was meeting a 13-year-old called Mags who he had met in an internet chatroom and plagued with sickening e-mails.
But he was actually talking to an undercover News of the World team and, on Friday he walked into our trap when he met ‘Mags'—an extremely young-looking 25-year-old reporter.
During a string of revolting internet chats with ‘Mags' vile Shaw told her an unnatural sex act was ‘fun', asked if she would give him oral sex, told her how to masturbate and pleaded with her to call him Dad if they went to bed together.
He had hoped Mags would take him back to her house for sex while her mum and gran were out. Instead he was arrested by detectives and led away in handcuffs for questioning. The twisted film producer now faces being charged with a new offence of grooming, which came into force last May under the Sexual Offences Act.
It means anyone convicted of contacting a child with the intention of committing a sex offence could face up to 10 years in jail.
Shaw started his vile seduction last June when he went into an AOL chatroom called No Adults.
We gave our girl the net name Mags Is 12, so Shaw—who called himself Mediamonkies—was in no doubt about the age of his victim.
Within minutes of striking up a chat with Mags, Shaw wanted to know what she looked like.
He asked: "do u have large or small breasts (sorry sounds so rude)."
After that he corresponded using the Instant Messaging service and, just two days after first speaking to his new 12-year-old pal, Shaw was fantasising about meeting up and watching porn films with her.
He said: "We could put on a movie that makes you want to get sexy with me."..."and I would be in heaven to have you naked with me."
He added: "If I weren't married would you want to go out with me as a b/f (boyfriend)." When she replied "yep", Shaw asked: "do u ever think about sex?" Mags answered: "We do sex ed at school." He pressed her: "ok but do you ever think about doing it?"
Mags said she did sometimes and he went on: "do u like the idea? Would you with me? I would never force you or suggest you do this, but I would like to sleep with u".
She told him she didn't want to get pregnant and he replied: "condoms stop that happening". He also told Mags he was 39—he's actually 41—and that he'd been married for five years and had no kids.
Fatherhood was something that clearly preoccupied the sick pervert. He suggested to Mags: "maybe later when we're together in bed u could call me dad if u liked."
He returned to the subject months later, when he told her: "if we make love would u want to think of me as your dad?" Just a couple of weeks after they began chatting on-line, Mags told Shaw she was getting ready for bed and he asked her to masturbate. He said: "will u think of me tonight".
Mags said she would and he replied: "will you touch yourself when u do?" When she asked what he meant, he gave her instructions.
Last month Shaw asked Mags: "would you ever let me come to your room if you knew yr mum and gran werent around...just for a few mins."
When Mags replied: "yep", he said: "cool I'd love to kiss you in yr room." She replied: "really" and Shaw said: "yes it would be so sexy and intimate."
Mags told him they would have to meet somewhere near and Shaw replied: "ok...could we be alone there." Mags told him her mum was out working and her gran came in at dinnertime if she was off school.
Sick Shaw replied: "I'd love to kiss u in yr room so i can think of you getting ready for be(sic) every night, undressing you and lying with you on yr bed."
Just a few weeks ago, after talking about meeting her in the London park, Shaw asked: "Is there anything you would like to do with me that u have heard about or read about?" He then asked if she would give him oral sex and wanted to know if she would ever "consider" an unnatural sex act. After he explained it could hurt Mags told him: "dont waana do that then." Shaw replied: "shame it can be fun".
On Mags' "birthday" Shaw told her: "just to wish you a very happy birthday—now you are a teen! x"
But when we confronted evil Shaw, he claimed: "I don't know what age she is. Her language doesn't reflect that."
Shaw has been released on bail for six weeks on condition that his access to children is controlled and he doesn't use the internet.
Det Chief Supt Peter Spindler, head of the Metropolitan Police Child Protection Abuse Investigations Command said: "I thank the News of the World for bringing this matter to our attention.
"This kind of behaviour shows the public can never be too complacent around child safety on the internet."

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