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воскресенье, 24 июля 2016 г.

I saw my loving Paul Evison turn into an evil killer

By Dan Evans
A DISTRAUGHT mum has told how her loving husband turned into a sex-crazed fiend who prowled the internet for women— and stabbed one of them to death.
Evil Paul Evison, 41, is serving life for murder after knifing Sandra McKean 12 times in a frenzied rage after she dumped him.
Now his ex-wife Caroline has told of her own terrifying last days with the lonely hearts killer, revealing how heSTALKED and RAPED her after she told him their marriage was over.
"He's an obsessive, controlling man and a danger to women everywhere," she said.
Chillingly, Evison was even caught trawling the net for women from behind bars.
Begging for a pen-pal, he wrote on one website: "I'm a fun-loving, easy-going gent that had one moment of madness.
"I am not a bad person despite the life sentence— the opposite actually. Looking for a nice lady to correspond with—you have no idea how important this contact would be to me."
But last night Caroline, 37, revealed the sickening truth about the "gent" she once loved.
"It all started going wrong when Paul got obsessed with net chatrooms," she said.
The couple met in 1992 and fell for each other instantly."We started dating straight away," said Caroline. "Things were good and soon we married. For the next few years everything was fine. We had two children, a daughter, who's now nine, and a son, who's seven."
But when printer Evison got hooked on chatrooms, the loving husband and father began to show an ugly side.
"He turned into a pig. He was lazy, unappreciative and hardly communicated with me at all," Caroline said.
"He seemed to spend all his time on the internet. He said he was looking for cars or football websites, but would get really jumpy whenever I came near the screen.
"I'd seen him quickly switch from one screen to another as I walked in the living room so I had a good idea what he was up to."
But things were even worse than Caroline feared—her husband was leading a sordid double life. He used chatrooms to seduce women and would criss-cross the country from the family home in Nottingham to meet them for sex.
One of those women was Sandra McKean, a nurse from Tyneside.
As he spent more time with Sandra and his other net lovers, his relationship with Caroline broke down.The final straw came when their son became ill in November 2001 and had to be rushed to hospital to have his appendix removed.
Evison had said he was spending the night with his parents, but when Caroline phoned he wasn't there.
"He turned up at 1pm the next day but couldn't explain where he'd been," she said.
Then Caroline found a photo of Sandra in his wallet—and told Evison their marriage was over.
Even though he was bedding THREE other women, his relationship with Sandra, 38, became more intense and they made plans to move in together and even put a deposit on an engagement ring.
But when she called it off, bitter Evison plotted revenge. He started to stalk Sandra and fantasised about killing her, telling a pal he wanted to stick pins in her eyes.
Caroline was also at the mercy of his menacing behaviour.
Even though they had split up, he would let himself into the house in the middle of the night and get into bed with her.
"I was so scared of him I didn't complain," she said. "One time Paul raped me. He said very threateningly, ‘I need to do this for the last time to you'. Then he forced me to have sex.
"I was not in a fit state to fight him off. I was very frightened."
Evison also started to show his obsessive nature. "After we split up, he stalked me," said Caroline. "He'd say things that made it clear he'd been watching me."
Evison's madness finally spilled over in April, 2002. He drove to Tyneside—stopping in Sheffield for sex with another lover—and broke into Sandra's home.
He stabbed her 12 times, covered her body with a quilt, then drove back to Nottingham, where, Caroline said, he went "psycho".
Evison trashed her house before trying to kill himself, by slashing his wrists then fixing a hosepipe to the car exhaust, but was found before his suicide bid succeeded.
The murderer had been captured on CCTV leaving Sandra's house and was arrested.
Caroline last saw Evison the day he was sentenced. She shuddered: "He said, ‘I love you and always will'. I felt nothing but coldness inside." The killer later tried to get access to his children, but failed.
"He has a lot of time to stew on that," said Caroline.
"Now I know what he's capable of I pray he is NEVER released."

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