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вторник, 12 июля 2016 г.

World Cup dreams in Wednesday's critical Group of Death showdown.

Nigerians: Owen is just a big bore
NIGERIA last night labelled Michael Owen 'boring' and then vowed to destroy England's World Cup dreams in Wednesday's critical Group of Death showdown.
Any hopes the Super Eagles, already out of the World Cup, would roll over for Sven Goran Eriksson's heroes were dashed by Taribo West.

The Nigerian superstar vowed he would rather 'lay down and die' for his country than see England win.

Meanwhile, defender Isaac Okoronkwo tore into Owen, blasting: "He will stroll around a
nd bore you all day. He doesn't run much, is quiet for half the game and you keep asking why the coach has kept him on the pitch.
"A lot of the time he does nothing."
Nigeria are already out of the World Cup after losing 1-0 to Argentina and 2-1 to Sweden.
But that didn't stop former Derby County defender West joining the tirade of abuse aimed at Owen.
He blasted: "Owen can be marked out of a game. I played against him last season and he didn't score.He's very fast but no player likes to be man-marked.Coming up against him simply doesn't worry me."
An even more vicious attack came from Sunday Oliseh, who skippered the Super Eagles in the African Nations Cup.
The Borussia Dortmund star stormed: "England exaggerate every single quality they've got.
"Nigerian players call the England team the 'All Good People'.
"They go on about 'what a super player this David Beckham is' and it's all we ever hear.
"We tease their players all the time behind their backs."
Oliseh was a shock casualty from the Nigerians' squad after falling out with new coach Festus Onigbinde.
But he is in close contact with the players in Korea and Japan and added: "There's extra motivation now when we play England because of their attitude.
"It's always like this when we come up against the English."

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