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понедельник, 1 августа 2016 г.

How to Keep Yourself Healthy and Your Wallet Happy

 It is very important to maintain good health these days, because you don’t want to become ill during such tough economic times. Apart from the burden it will give your body—the pain, discomfort, unsightly appearance, scars, etc.—sickness can very well encumber you financially too. Even just acquiring health insurance is affected by your health: If you have conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or addiction, or even if you’re just involved in high-risk activities such as extreme sports, you are likely to get higher health insurance premiums. So here are a few ways to make sure you remain healthy and protected from illnesses:
1. Do away with all forms of addiction
We all know that all things must be taken in moderation, although we may be quick to deny it for our own addictions. It sure is tough breaking vices such as alcoholism and taking drugs, but help is always available through rehabilitation centers and other organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Smoking is challenging to quit because the nicotine in cigarettes function to actually get you hooked, but you can wean yourself from it by reducing the number of sticks you smoke each day, and you can also use nicotine patches to make the transition smooth.
2. Have a proper diet
You’ve heard it one too many times, from your mom and from your grade school health teacher, but it is a fact that you are what you eat. If you consume a lot of junk food and love fatty and greasy dishes, don’t be surprised if your waistline is in the 40s and you cannot run for your life during emergencies. If you hate vegetables and only consume proteins and carbohydrates, don’t be surprised if you’re a frequent visitor of the nearby hospital. Eat a balanced diet, but with more fruits and vegetables if possible, and drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Make sure the calories you consume are appropriate to the lifestyle that you lead, e.g. if your work involves sitting in front of the computer daily, don’t eat too much carbohydrates so you won’t become chunkier by the day.
3. Exercise
It is a pretty daunting word, but it doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym for at least an hour twice or thrice a week. It can be as simple as jogging an hour before you’re supposed to wake up in the morning, taking the stairs instead of the elevator to get to the second floor from the basement, or walking or biking to a destination four blocks away instead of taking the cab. Perform household chores more frequently and you’ll get the exercise you need too, and it will also ensure your house is spick-and-span. You may get easily tired the first few days you put an effort into increasing your physical activity, but you’ll find that your energy level is already increasing afterward. It’s a win-win situation.
4. Avoid stress
Stressful situations aren’t always external, like a gossiping co-worker or a really awful traffic jam, but they can also be internal. If you can change your outlook in life, becoming more cheerful and less irritable, you’d be doing yourself—and the people around you—heaps of good.
5. Get adequate sleep
You’ve also heard this one too many times already. Sleep at least 8 hours each day. This may vary with each person, however, as some are perfectly fine with just 6 or 7 hours of daily sleep. Find out your body’s requirement and meet it.
With the above pieces of advice, you can be in tiptop shape and guarantee that your finances suffers little burden. By making sure you keep yourself out of the hospital, you’re not only saving yourself money but you’re also avoiding having to keep your family and friends—and yourself—worried about your well-being.

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