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вторник, 12 июля 2016 г.

First picture of girl in sex e-mail shocker

First picture of girl in
sex e-mail shocker
THIS is fun-loving Laura Thomas, the blonde ‘star' of banker Trevor Luxton's infamous porn e-mail.

Luxton wrote that she performed a sex act on him while he watched TV — and found to his horror that the e-mail had spread far and wide.
But today 21-year-old Laura says sleazy Luxton only boasted that she performed for him because she had spurned his seedy advances.
Speaking for the first time about the e-mail scandal that has rivetted Britain, Laura told The Newssvet : "Trevor is a pathetic prat and a lying scumbag who couldn't accept I didn't want to have sex with him.
After I said ‘no' he told the world I'd given him oral sex while his fiancee Jo Kivlehan was away.
"It was all lies. Trevor has been trying to get me into bed for years and I've always turned him down."
Luxton, 22, a $28,000-a-year clerk at French bank Credit Lyonnais in the City, faces losing his job but claims fiancee Jo, 19, is sticking with him.
He wrote a gross message boasting of Laura's supposed exploits as he held a beer in one hand and the TV remote in the other while watching West Ham on TV—and then talked to Jo when she phoned him.
He even said Laura winked and whispered, "say hello to Jo" while it was all happening.
Luxton sent the e-mail to five pals—and was stunned when it ended up going round the world.
Laura discovered she was at the centre of the scandal when it made the front page on Friday.
The telesales girl met 20-stone Luxton when she was just 16. He was a mate of her first love, graphic designer Adam Smith, 22. He went to school with Trevor in Stratford, East London.
She says she had not seen Trevor for three years—but that he had recently sent her rude e-mails asking for a date. She let him down gently.
Laura turned to the Newssvet to tell her side of the story. She rang Trevor with a Newssvet  reporter present to demand an explanation.
He told her: "Jo is fine. She knows I made the whole thing up. We're staying together."
Laura added: "I'll never forgive Trevor."

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