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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

More on Dealing with Snoring

You’re lucky if you’re a quiet sleeper. But for people who sleep with people who snore, every night is a long night. Too bad if you’re stuck with one. Same goes for the snorer. You might not want to piss off the person who sleeps with you. A lot of people snore, but it doesn’t mean that it’s okay. People who snore don’t hear themselves snore so it’s actually the bedmates who suffer it. If you are a self-admitted snorer, and you want to do something about it, for everyone’s sake, try these tips.
Be conscious of your sleeping position. Snoring is sometimes caused by an awkward sleeping position. Try sleeping on your side or on your stomach. Grab some pillows and put it under your bed for a more comfortable position.
Could it be your weight? Some people say that obese people are more likely to snore than people who have a good weight. Do you believe this? If you’re overweight and you’re snoring, shed a few pounds and see for yourself if your weight indeed has snoring effects. If not, then at least you’re in better shape than you’ve ever been. You might also want to reduce the food you eat during dinner. Pigging out can have you snoring all night long.
Smoking and alcohol are also believed to induce snoring, as well as sleeping pills. Drop these habits and the medication unless you really need it.
Snoring might mean that your breathing passages are constricted.Consult with your doctor so you’ll know if you need medical help like CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure machine or if you will have to be subjected to a surgical procedure.

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