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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

More Tips on Successfully Holding a Garage Sale

Need some extra cash but you have no idea how to work on it? All you need are some of your garbage. Yup, ever heard of the saying, “One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure”? People love to rummage through other people’s old things. Read on to know how you can hold a successful garage sale.
Ask around if you need to secure permits for the sale. Permits for this kind of business are mandatory in some communities so make sure you won’t get in trouble.
Sweep the whole house for all unused items. If you’re going to sell things, might as well sell everything that falls under the category “things you don’t need anymore”. Include unused pots and pans, ballpens, notepads, clothes, decor, curtains, magazines, and even old posters. But you might wanna hold back on the food. Perishable items are not exactly garage sale material. Sell old things which are clean and functional so you won’t get complaints.
Designate a selling area. Don’t let people come inside your house to protect you against thieves and other harm. You can control your customers more if you have a designated selling area.
Arrange the items properly. You don’t have to achieve a department store display, but you have to display your items properly, making sure that you can see everything, giving no one a chance to shoplift.
Make posters and tell everyone. If you can’t post banners on every tree, make sure you still get the word out by telling your friends and tell them they should tell their friends. You can give it at least one week to make it known to everyone that you’re holding a sale on a particular date.
Get some help if you’re selling a lot of stuff. If it;s not school time yet, your kids might wanna help out and maybe some of your friends would want to volunteer. You need marshals for your items while you can be the cashier. After the sale, you can treat everyone to pizza!
What do you do with the unsold items? Donate them. After making big bucks, you can help other organizations raise funds by donating those novelty items that you need to get rid off.

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