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воскресенье, 29 марта 2009 г.

How to Use Feng Shui to Have a Relaxing Workplace

 Not everyone believes in Eastern medicine philosophy, but if it does not do harm, then they are perhaps worth trying. In this case, why not try to incorporate a little feng shui (the Chinese practice of “arranging objects to achieve harmony with one’s environment”) to achieve peace in the office?
Re-arrange your desk so that you won’t have to sit with your back to the door. Always stay in a room where you can see the door or entrance/exit ways. This is because you need to be in a “command position,” or a position where you feel in control of your environment. Being always wary will decrease your productivity levels, and which in turn causes stress and anxiety.

Utilize natural light as much as possible, or simulate it with bio bulbs. This helps increase energy levels.
If you are to place plants in the office, choose those with round leaves. Avoid plants with pointed leaves as they create disharmony. This principle goes with furniture and furnishings. Soften furniture edges with fabrics and drapes.
Color also affects mood and energy so try and keep in mind that red is a good color to inject energy bursts in the room, but too much can heighten tempers. Yellow and orange are colors of communication as they stimulate the mind. Red, yellow, and orange can be brought in a room through decorations such as glass decors and paintings. Green and purple symbolizes wealth and is good for stores and other businesses. Plants and drapes can be colored as such. Blue, which is a good color for the ceiling, can also lift energy.

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