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четверг, 27 апреля 2017 г.

WHAT'S YOUR FAT FATE? You don't need a crystal ball to discover whether you're going to struggle to stay in your skinny jeans

Life's full of surprises, but it would be handy to know a few things in advance, wouldn't it? Like, say, if your man is The One. And when it comes to your body, will you get fat?
"If you consider your mother and grandmother's weight, you can get a good indication of where you're heading," explains Dr Susan Mitchell, co-author of Fat Is Not Your Fate (Fireside, £10.09).
But don't hit the doughnuts in depair. "Those with high-risk genes can still resist their genetic fate," says nutritionist Dr Laura Johnson. "Taking your lifestyle and personality type into consideration gives you a clearer picture of how much weight you're likely to gain over the years. And by making small changes today, you can change your fat fate."
Read on to see if you need to start pound-proofing now, and what action you need to take...

Select which answers most apply to you:
1. When you were a child, you were allowed to leave the dinner table when:

A Everything was eaten, and not before

B Your favourite TV programme came on

C Everyone else had finished - you were always first
2. How much sleep do you get a night?

A Eight hours or more

B Between six and seven hours

C Less than six hours
3. You're thinking of ordering a takeaway because:

A You've been healthy all week

B You're tired, you can't be bothered to cook, and they taste great!

C You've had a terrible day and need cheering up
4. You're late for a meeting and stuck in traffic. You:

A Call your office and explain the situation

B Sigh, then turn up the stereo

C Honk your horn and then smack the steering wheel
5. The last time you did a workout:

A You put in 110 per cent effort

B Your friends forced you, but you had fun

C You left the class early because you had an appointment

Select the statements you most agree with

I always feel I've got too much to do [C]

Fitting exercise into my life is essential [A]

I like a man who can make me laugh [B]

My friends would say that I'm organised and practical [A]

I'm often quite tearful - I've even cried during EastEnders [C]

Catching up with friends is more important than going to the gym [B]

I'm competitive both inside and outside the office [A]

My home is cluttered, not clinical [B]

I often wake up feeling exhausted [C]
Mostly As - Your fat fate is: You could put on 5-10lb

You're cool, calm, sexy and collected and thrive on being in control. As a perfectionist, you won't settle for second best - and that goes for your body, too. Being on the go keeps weight off, but if you saw the pounds creeping on, you'd be quick to rectify it.
"Being a consistent weight, even if you're slightly heavier than you should be, is better than continually going up and down," says the British Nutrition Foundation's Dr Elisabeth Weichselbaum.
But as you get older it won't be so easy to stay slim.
"Most people, especially women, gain weight as they age," warns Dr Susan Mitchell. Your metabolism decreases and it takes less food and more exercise to stay at your current weight."
Fat-proof your future: As you're naturally proactive you don't need to change your ways dramatically. Instead, concentrate on keeping tabs on your body's natural tendency to gain weight as you age.
Fitness trainer Nicki Waterman suggests boosting metabolism by eating five small, healthy meals a day.
Low-GI (glycaemic index) foods like wholegrains, oats, nuts, beans and pulses release energy slowly, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Read Patrick Holford's The Low-GL Diet Bible (Piatkus, £14.99), for more tips.
"Aim to do a minimum of 20-30 minutes of exercise a day - try running, alternated with weight resistance training - six days a week. Being active will help preserve muscle while also maintaining a higher metabolic rate," says Nicki.
Mostly Bs - Your fat fate is: You could gain 1-2st 

You have a laid-back attitude to life and, dare we say it, can be a little lazy. You shy away from exercise, preferring to watch TV or catch up with friends.
However, while your lack of stress can prevent the pounds piling on (research by the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that stress releases cortisol, an appetite trigger in the body), your relaxed attitude may stop you from noticing when you're gaining weight.
"If you gain 2lb a year in your 20s it might not be that noticeable. But by the time you're in you're in your 40s, you'll have put on 3st," warns Nicki Waterman.
Fat-proof your future: Buy some accurate bathroom scales - now! "Weigh yourself once a month," advises Dr Elisabeth Weichselbaum. "If you regularly keep tabs on your weight, you're less likely to get a nasty surprise."
If you do find you've gained a few pounds, don't ignore it.
"Adjust how many calories you're consuming straight away," says Nicki. "It's simple - if you eat fewer calories, you'll have fewer to burn off."
And step away from the TV. Researchers at Harvard University in the US found that women who reduced their telly viewing to less than 10 hours a week and walked briskly for just 30 minutes a day cut down their risk of obesity by 30 per cent.
Mostly cs - Your fat fate is: You could gain 2st or more

While you always seem to be rushing around, underneath you're exhausted - it's anxiety that keeps you going. While this may be keeping your weight steady for now, it's unlikely to continue into the future.
"Food quickly becomes your best friend when you're stressed," says Dr Susan Mitchell.
If you feel a snack attack coming on, opt for 'good mood' foods such as asparagus, turkey and pineapple. They all contain tryptophan, which our bodies convert into serotonin - the chemical that makes us feel less fraught.
Fat-proof your future:Break negative eating habits now by keeping a detailed food diary. "Most people are surprised when they begin adding up the calories," says Nicki Waterman. "Also, by writing down what you eat and how you're feeling while eating it - for example, tired, stressed or happy - you'll be able to see patterns forming."
As for sleep, getting a good night's shut-eye is vital. Research by the National Sleep Foundation indicates that less sleep is linked to weight gain.
"This is because not getting enough sleep also releases the appetite trigger cortisol in the body," says Dr Susan Mitchell, who recommends getting seven to eight hours per night.

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