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понедельник, 21 января 2019 г.

New Pictures Blood test can spot Alzheimer’s up to 16 YEARS before patient shows memory loss

A BLOOD test can identify Alzheimer’s more than a decade before a person shows signs of confusion and memory loss.

Researchers say a protein leaks into the blood from dying brain cells as the disease takes hold.

A blood test may be able to spot Alzheimer’s disease in patients before any signs of confusion[/caption]

It can be detected up to 16 years before a patient or their relatives would become aware they have the condition.

Scientists took blood samples from 405 people, who had brain scans and sat a series of thinking tests over a number of years.

Those who had sharp increases in neurofilament light chain in their blood were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

They also had more rapid thinning and shrinkage in an area of their brain linked to memory and declining exams performance.

The Washington University boffins now hope to develop the accuracy of their test so they can estimate the time to disease onset.

They believe it will be used to diagnose Alzheimer’s in clinics “in a few years”.

Dr Brian Gordon, who worked on the trial, said: “This is something that would be easy to incorporate into a screening test in a neurology clinic.”

Colleague Stephanie Schultz said “Sixteen years before symptoms arise is really quite early in the disease process, but we were able to see differences even then.

“This could be a good preclinical biomarker to identify those who will go on to develop clinical symptoms.”

Levels of the protein also rise in people with Huntington’s or multiple sclerosis and shortly after suffering a blow to the head.

Dr Rosa Sancho, from Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “We know that the brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s begin well over a decade before memory problems start.

“This presents a key window of opportunity for tests that could detect the disease at the earliest stages and help to bring diagnosis forward by many years.

“Tests for a blood-based signature of Alzheimer’s hold potential as a cost-effective addition to current diagnosis methods that would allow people to receive treatment and support sooner.”

The findings are published in the journal Nature Medicine.


Exercising for 30 minutes a day boosts the chances of living to 90 by up to a third, a study claims.

Researchers analysed activity levels of 7,807 people in their late 60s and tracked them until they died or reached the age of 90 — whichever came first.

The Dutch team found men who were physically active for 30 to 60 minutes each day were 34 per cent more likely to reach 90 and women 21 per cent.

News Photo Blood test can spot Alzheimer’s up to 16 YEARS before patient shows memory loss
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