Motherhood is a very rewarding stage. You can’t wait for the ninth month for when your baby comes out to the world. Some of my friends are so intent on having one but vanity sometimes do factor in. My female friends are afraid of getting fat (usually unavoidable) and eventually get stretch marks. Jessica Alba for one mentioned she hated how she looked when she was pregnant (piff…). But one thing that’s not pretty during motherhood are the stretch marks. Can’t one just enjoy motherhood without getting these ugly marks?
Stretch marks are believed to be your mom’s fault — well, actually it’s more of, if your mom got stretch marks when she was pregnant, chances are, you’ll have them too when you’re the one with the bump. But this is only one cause, so don’t go blaming your mom.
Don’t worry, though. There are things you can do so you can avoid getting stretch marks.
Keep your weight within a healthy range. Most moms get a little heavy during pregnancy. There’s no better time to practice discipline regarding your appetite and also on the kind of food you eat. Take pre-natal vitamins and make sure you get enough calcium, protein, whole grains, fruits and veggies. Avoid sudden weight gain so your skin won’t get stretched as much.
Don’t scratch the itchy parts. When you have an itchy area, use a soft brush on it or a soft cloth to relieve your skin instead of getting crazy with your nails.
Maintain your rituals. Motherhood is a very difficult time. With that bump, it’s almost impossible to move around as much. But never neglect your skincare rituals. There are a lot of anti-stretch marks creams which you can use to keep your skin moisturized and supple. You should go to your dermatologist and ask for recommended products which can protect your skin from the threats of the stretch during pregnancy.