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воскресенье, 31 июля 2016 г.

How to Keep Cool in the Summer

Thirsty? Irritated? Frustrated? Impatient? Careless? If the answer to any of these is yes, it could be that you’ve had too much sunshine. Although most of us long for the summer months each year, it’s important to remember that overheating can sometimes lead to heat stroke, convulsions, unconsciousness and even death.

For most of us, getting too hot in the summer isn’t just uncomfortable, it can also be dangerous. For example, if you’re used to more temperate weather, you should be careful notto over-exercise or do anything particularly strenuous in the heat until you’ve given your body time to adjust to the temperature. TheAmerican National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)recommends that you do no more than 2 hours strenuous activity a day in hot, humid weather for at least seven days. After that you can begin to build up your stamina.
The biggest problem during the summer is that exposure to high temperatures puts us at risk of becoming dehydrated. If you spend too long working outside in the garden or jogging during the middle of the day, you can lose “one-and-a-half quarts of fluid per hour” [Source: NIOSH]. Let that go on for too long and you risk heat stroke.
Even if you don’t work outdoors in the summer, you still need to make sure you are properly hydrated during to remain at your best and keep your skin looking clear and fresh.
How to keep cool
  • Don’t overexert yourself.
  • If forced to spend long periods outside in the sunshine, make sure you give your body a break.
  • Seek the shade regularly.
  • Drink still cool water regularly; but don’t overdo it. Drinking excessive amounts of water can be dangerous.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes, preferably made from linen
  • Don’t jog or do other physically strenuous sports when temperatures are at their highest
  • Try to workout when the day is still cool: e.g. early morning or at night
  • Avoid alcohol and junk food, as sugar and salt are likely to dehydrate you even more
If you’re hot and start to feel weak, dizzy, have a headache or are feeling nauseous, sit down in a cool, shaded place and drink some water.

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