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воскресенье, 31 июля 2016 г.

Blogging and Setting SMART Personal Goals

Blogging has become so popular that massive amounts of people are setting up new blogs and establishing a presence in the blogosphere.
Unfortunately, despite beautifully themed pages, outstanding development, plug ins and precision content, many fall short of success. Potentially successful blogs fail due to numerous conflicts and reasons; however, one of the main reasons tends to be a lack of clear and achievable goals.
Scanty goals tend to leave people with the feeling of frustration, due to the organizational nightmare they have created, which is then followed by an extreme lack of focus.
Creating and maintaining a blog is a great example for an article covering the important of setting goals because so many topics and questions must be asked and answered to determine how your new site is going to be managed, including such things as what clothes you wear while you blog. (We all know there are many pajama bloggers out there.)
Setting goals is an important factor in any endeavor you choose to take on. Basically, the objective is simple, within your head you say something along the lines of, “I want to setup a new website.”
Obviously though, stating the aforementioned comment is almost like saying, “I want to buy a new car.” At some point in the decision making process, you are required to narrow down the scope of your newly created product of excitement and ask questions that will give you definitive answers. What size automobile would you prefer? Does the size of the new transportation device reflect the fact that you have children in your family currently or the near future?
Blogging is essentially the same. Picking what software you are going to use to publish your blog is very much like asking yourself what transmission you are going to use in an automobile. What niche you decide to write about and the surrounding audience it targets is similar to what size car and perhaps even the color.
Once you have asked yourself questions to give you a mental path for success, dig even deeper to determine what steps will be required to achieve such goals. If you want to use WordPress as your blogging platform, what modifications to your existing web site layout must be completed before such integration could be performed?
Professional blogging is only a single example of how goals should be realistic and simple. Individuals set goals extremely high, buy into the theories set forth by other success stories and forget that their predecessors are simply examples.
If you are going to step into the realm of blogging or any other professional services industry, ensure you have performed adequate research and study to compete. Far too often, individuals spend their time reading about the success of a few big names and forget or simply ignore the fact that, what works for one, will not always work for another.
There are more resources on personal goal setting than one would want to believe; however, the SMART system seems to work wonderfully! Best of luck with all your newly generated, goal-oriented projects and tasks!

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