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воскресенье, 31 июля 2016 г.

Food You Should Eat Daily

Many of the things we eat from time to time could help us live longer, better lives if we would eat them more often, some even every day.
I know that my diet could use some tweaking, and so I wanted to find some foods that I should be eating more often.  had recently compiled a list of foods that we should be eating every day and below, I give you the summary of that list, what you are getting from ingesting the food item, and why it is important.
  • Tomatoes - Lycopene - cancer fighting properties
  • Beans - Fiber and Protein - healthy digestive system
  • Chili peppers - Capsaicin - improve circulation
  • Yogurt - Live, active bacterial cultures and calcium - absorb nutrients better
  • Avocados - Potassium and glutathione - destroys free radicals
  • Dark, leafy greens - Calcium - healthy bones and teeth
  • Salmon - Omega-3 fatty acids - improve heart health
  • Carrots - Beta carotene and Alpha Carotene - protect skin
  • Kiwi fruit - Vitamin C - immune system booster
  • Dark berries - Antioxidants - slow down the aging process
While some nutritionists will probably disagree with some of the items on the list, I think I can safely say that increasing your dosage of some of these foods could be just the boost your body has been needing.

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