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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.

Focusing on Metabolism to Burn Fat

Some of us don’t know what to do even after trying out all the diets searchable in the internet. You’ve tried them all — even starved yourself and still it’s the same weight problem. Is there no other way to do it? Ever had that friend who could down two family-sized pizzas in one sitting, have an ice cream and still stay slim? That’s metabolism at work for you. Fast metabolism will help you lose weight. And that it’s probably one of the best ways to shed the extra pounds. A few things you have to know about metabolism.
Different people have different metabolism rates. It’s unfair, I know but what can you do? That’s really how it is.

Analyze why your metabolism is like that. There are factors which determine why you have your particular metabolic rate. One is age. Older people tend to have slower metabolism. Another is gender. Men are believed to burn more calories than women just by being men. How inconvenient for women, right? Sometimes you have to ask if nature is gender sensitive. If you want to determine your basal metabolic rate , check with a dietitian or a fitness expert.
Also, experts also say that your metabolic rate is genetic, probably dates back to your great great grandparents. This can probably be linked to the reason why one family seems to have one body type, fat or slim. Also, metabolism increases when you increase your muscle mass. There’s also the link when problems in the thyroid gland slows down or increases metabolism.

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