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воскресенье, 17 июля 2016 г.

Avoiding Overspending when Buying Groceries

Ever realized how you can possibly spend so much on grocery? You can argue that since you’re buying food, your money is not really wasted. But then, a little overspending will mess up your budget big time. And when one part of your budget gets messed up, your financial plans are definitely screwed. Discover ways how you control your money and yourself during grocery time.
Make a list. Check it twice. Survey your household what needs to be resupplied and stick to those. Carefully monitor usage to be able to choose the right size and amount.
Plan your meals. Either you plan your meals for the week or for the rest of the month, having a set list of meals will give you a list on the things you’ll need to buy. Stick to the list and don’t buy anything that’s not in the list. To be more specific, plan meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. One day or two days of the week, you might want to order in pizza so only buy those you’ll need for your weekly/monthly menu.
Set a budget for grocery. Knowing your income, determine how much you can allocate for your monthly grocery so that your costs will not reach deficit level. Explore cheaper alternative foods in the market. Look around for bargains and stocks on sale before you start piling up things inside your cart.
Do your grocery when you’re not hungry. When you do your grocery when you’re hungry, the tendency is you’d want to buy every good thing you see. To avoid overspending, do your grocery when you’re not hungry so you can stick to your list.
Don’t go buying your supplies with a credit card. When you’re using a card, it’s almost impossible to resist buying just a few things that’s not really in the list because we’re going to pay for it later anyway. And swiping has less guilt than handing over paper bills. It’s better to bring cash because you’ll be more conscious and limited by what you have in your pocket.

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