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суббота, 16 июля 2016 г.

How to Shine Despite Being Stuck in a Lousy Job

Sometimes following your heart is easier said than done. When it comes to finding a job, there are other equally justifiable reasons to defer “following one’s heart”; reasons such as financial considerations, or lack of experience or skill to be qualified for the job that one wants. When you’re stuck in a less-than-ideal job and quitting is not an option, don’t be disheartened. Consider it as a minor setback that you can learn from. All it takes is the right outlook, and the situation won’t look as bleak.
Try to find opportunities to shine. Even though it’s not your dream job, do your best anyway. Make a good impression so that when greater opportunities come, you’ll have good recommendations ready to back you up. If you think moving up is a step towards your goal, then consider your current post as a transient one. All you have to do is to work great and get promoted.
Be well-rounded. Acquire as much skill as you can within or outside your company. Learn what you can in each department. This can help you get an idea which area interests you and will cater to your strengths.
Learn from people who try to bring you down. In any workplace, one can always find a jealous workmate or two. These people often try to put you in the spot or spread false rumors about you. But instead of drowning in self-pity because you feel alienated within the office, square your shoulders and just try to concentrate on your work. Often, they act negatively towards you because they covet something that you have and they don’t. However there is still something to be learned from these backbiters. They are the perfect examples of what NOT to be in the office.
Make solid contacts. You won’t know when you’ll need them. Of course, if there are unsavory people at work, there are also successful people that you might meet who can help you when you want to switch careers or take a different path. These people are the more daring ones who took the risk to make a change and were able to succeed. Try to be friends with them or at least keep in contact. Surround yourself with people who have a healthy work attitude. Good influence is empowering and makes the road to your success less daunting.

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