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вторник, 2 августа 2016 г.

This pervert thinks he's going to have sex with a 13-year old girl groomed on the internet.

Beast in the Park
By Amanda Evans
EVIL paedophile Peter Warren was snatched by the cops yesterday — after the News of the Worldcaught him in a public park trying to lure a 13-year-old girl into sex. Pervert plane-spotter Warren, 47, used the internet to snare what he thought was an innocent schoolgirl called Charlotte into meeting him.

For weeks the beast bombarded his prey with a string of disgusting messages and pornographic pictures after befriending her in a chat room meant only for kids.
But yesterday morning Warren's sickening game was up. For Charlotte was really an undercover News of the World investigator. And as they kept an illicit rendezvous in Stratford, east London, four detectives from Scotland Yard's paedophile squad pounced.
Warren looked stunned and near tears as the cops dramatically led him away in handcuffs, his head hanging in shock. He now faces being charged with the new offence of grooming a child for sex and a jail sentence of up to 10 years.
Earlier he had travelled down from Ipswich, Suffolk, where he still lives at home with his mum, dad and two brothers.
He turned up at the park in blue jacket and beige trousers. In a carrier bag he had two bottles of Coke and several packets of crisps—a pathetic "present" for pigtailed Charlotte who was waiting on a bench near the tennis courts.
Warren, who works part-time for Argos, spotted her immediately. She had already told him Friday was her 13th birthday, leaving him in no doubt of her "age".
As Warren approached he gave a leer and said: "Hello Charlotte. How are you? All right? I brought some drinks if you want to sit here."
He chatted to her for about ten minutes about birthdays, music and holidays. When Charlotte asked about his odd internet codename ‘B52 Pete' the aviation anorak told her: "It's an American bomber. They bombed Iraq."
Then chillingly Warren told her: "It's nice to see you at last."
Convinced this was the right man, the cops moved in.
The swoop followed an extensive investigation by the News of the World into the abuse of internet chatrooms by prowling paedophiles. It threw up weirdo Warren.
Using the trendy abbreviations kids employ in texts and e-mail, he was astonishingly upfront. Moments after making contact with Charlotte he asked if she'd ever seen a man's private parts.
He pressed her: "Have u had sex?" She said she hadn't and didn't want a baby at just 12 years old. He then offered to wear a condom.
Once he admitted: "I dream of sex with a young girl...I'd like to try it." Desperate to push Charlotte, Warren asked if they could meet one Saturday and go to her house so she could strip for him. He sent her more than a dozen indecent pictures. Some involved oral sex. Over and over again he asked Charlotte to touch herself and imagine they were having sex—just like he was.
When Charlotte said her 13th birthday meant she was getting grown-up, Warren replied: "Yes, then u will b able to do everything adults do. Then u can have sex." Later the devious Warren even warned her: "U know if anyone found out that I was doing this I could go to prison don't u?"
When fixing up yesterday's meeting Warren said he would need to find an excuse for visiting London. Puzzled, Charlotte asked if he had to ask someone's permission and he replied: "No, but I live with my parents and my brothers. I can't say I'm going to London to show a 12-year-old girl my ***** can I?"
Last night Warren was released on police bail. Det Chief Inspector Matt Sarti, of the Yard's Child Protection Abuse Investigations Command, said: "I'd like to thank the News of the World for bringing this matter to our attention."

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