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пятница, 12 августа 2016 г.

Turn Your Bright Ideas to Action

Isn’t it true that most of your brilliant ideas don’t live long enough to evolve into something tangible? When you think of something promising, don’t let it slip away by putting it on hold because tendency is you’ll either forget about it, or lose interest.
The moment a bright idea strikes you, like for example, an idea for a good business, write it down and explore it so you can discover if you can gain from it. One way you can explore the possibilities of your idea is to hold an FGD (focus group discussion) where you can have a brainstorming session. Get intelligent people from various professions to discuss the feasibility of your idea. Use their comments, insights, criticism, and recommendations to turn your idea into something improved. If you want to study how effective a new marketing strategy is, you can conduct research and surveys which can give you feedback about the idea you’re nurturing.
Develop a comprehensive database. If you need to develop your idea, you will need the help of powerful people which can give you funding and other kinds of support to promote your idea. This is where a precise and organized database can help you. You have to maximize your connections and make your networks beneficial to your ventures.
Choose efficient people to help you. There is a disturbing rate of human resource inefficiency today that you might be led into thinking that hiring someone below your standard set of qualifications is OK. But think again. Hiring someone who’s incompetent will only waste your resources. As much as you want to believe that training can fix an employee’s shortcomings, remember that every employee is an investment so choose only those who can deliver.

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