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воскресенье, 7 августа 2016 г.

How to Clear Clogged Drains: Mechanical or Chemical?

clogged drain is such a bummer. And you’ve got an assortment of ways to clear them up. But what’s the best way? You’ve got an assortment of commercial chemical drain cleaners available that guarantees a hassle-free unclogging (no mess!). But are they really that great or do they cause harm that we don’t know off. So what’s better mechanical or chemical?
The Good Old-Fashioned Way
Still, the safest (and best) way to unclog your drain is by mechanical means. You can either push or pull at the clog with an assortment of tools - a plunger, plumber’s snake or a drain auger. Some other mechanical ways includepressurized gas to flush out the clog.
These methods are pretty intuitive in nature - either you push or pull on the clog until it clears. You might also want to keep other plumbing tools handy likewrenches and grips.
Chemical Unclogging
Most chemical drain openers clear drains by breaking the clogs down (definitely, they’re strong). This means that you really have to be careful when handling them.
A popular active ingredient in chemical cleaners is lye - a very powerful basethat can eat away at stuff just like a strong acid. Contact with skin can cause burns. The heat caused by these cleaners can also soften up your PVC pipes that could lead you to problems along the way.

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