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четверг, 21 июля 2016 г.

Future of the Smart House Winner: Atlanta Science Fiction Society's

 by Jordan Lynn Bartolomeo Ó 2003

            "Not sure what to wear for that high school reunion? Just ask your closet. Wondering how to get rid of that pimple on your chin? Consult the mirror for advice on clear skin" (Herald Net 1). These privileges could all become reality for the average American, not too far away in the future. Many large companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Sun Microsystems have already begun to develop and complete this modern and futuristic way of life. Many companies are currently testing the software, and parts of it are already out on the market for consumers. Although these companies have different names for their new technology, each system has basically the same main concept: simplicity and convenience. The smart house has a stable future with consumers because it provides an enjoyable way of life, is a great convenience, and provides excellent security.
            One of the main attractions of the smart house is how enjoyable it can make one's life. Everyone who does not have a maid despises the housekeeping task of vacuuming, or any other cleaning for that matter. A robot vacuum cleaner is just one of the favorite parts of the smart house. Also, many people forget to turn off lights when leaving the room, but now worrying over that is not necessary because the wired home senses the presence of anyone entering or exiting a room. The smart house also steams all the clothes in the closet and gives ideas on what to wear for that day's weather. Bill Gates has already used this lifestyle in his home. In his house the pictures on the walls change to whatever a person wants to see and so does the temperature to make everyone comfortable. But one of the best parts is the music that comes on in every room. Any song can be played without having to keep track of the hundreds of CD's that most households own. The best commodity by far though is the mirror that takes pictures of hair and skin. This information is recorded and the system formulates a treatment to suit anyone's beauty needs and concerns.
            Not only do these high tech systems make life a little more relaxing, but they also do so at no extra cost of time or energy. Every one of these features is designed to be the most convenient to any lifestyle. If a person's favorite TV show is on the same night as the party of the year, then the smart house has already prepared to record it. The wired home can also save people from taking that extra trip to the grocery store by taking inventory of what is needed and making up a shopping list and ordering the food, even if it is for that night's recipe. "A smart house can be controlled through a wall-mounted keyboard, a tele-command or even by voice" (Agent Land 1). This is convenient because a computer is not necessary for operation. E-mail or voice mail can be checked from any TV or computer screen in the house because all screens are designed to be interchangeable and multipurpose. Toilet seats can be adjusted to any height and flushed automatically with a remote. "'Every Device in here has just enough of a brain to recognize every other device', said Stacy Elliot, spokesperson for the Microsoft Home" (USA Today Tech Reviews 2).
            Although these are great for personal enjoyment, the smart house also provides excellent security and health benefits. One of the systems created by Matsushita Electric Industrial Company analyzes waste fluids and sends any harmful detection to the doctor over the Internet. This can save people money that they would spend if going to the doctor and also detects something that the human eye cannot. Sharp Corporation has created an air conditioner specially designed to kill the flu bug and other harmful viruses. This is important because huge amounts of bacteria are transported through the air. One of the greatest benefits for a family are the monitor screens throughout the house that can see children if they are not in the same room as the parents. Also, houses do not need keys because the smart house scans any person's retina that attempts to enter the house. The door unlocks for the owner and cannot be broken into by any other person who does not belong inside.   The smart house or wired home proves itself to be a beneficial asset to any person. "Today the future of home automation seems much brighter" (Agent Land 1). There are many qualities that can easily appeal to any type of individual, and although they won't come out until at least 2005, the smart homes are worth the wait for a better way of living.

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