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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.

Getting Back to the Journey

It would appear that I have taken a long journey and decided not to include my friends at 1smartmom.  True, I have been “journeying”, but not without thinking of you.    So, with that said, I’ll bring you up to date on my journey and I will get back to talking with you on a more regular basis.  
According to Zach we have had a very ordinary Summer.  I suppose from a 10 year olds’ perspective that is a fair assumption.  As the Mom in the house, I see it a bit differently.

We’ve had long days roll out before us with nothing to do, but eat, maintain the house and enjoy each other’s company. (Sometimes broken up by time with friends and the back and forth to a couple of day camps.)  My treat this Summer has been to actually lay down for a bit of time each afternoon and put my feet up.  Gabe (20 month old) is now taking one 3 hour nap and that is bliss to me! 
While I’ve been journeying I have decided that cloning me would be optimal for my family because then each son would have the “mother type” they need.  Being a mom of a 10 year old, an almost 9 year old that lives in Romania, and a toddler can make this one woman a bit crazed at times.  I have a new healthy respect for all those moms who have and are parenting a wide age range of children.   Many days I find myself blowing bubbles for the toddler, while discussing the trajectory of the sprinkler with my 10 year old.  All the while wondering, if the 9 year old was home would it be any easier? 
Probably not, but we would be happy.
Aww, the days of Summer.  I haven’t read one good book yet and I am not my usual tan self, but I am feeling pretty rested.  SHHHH!  Don’t tell my husband.  School starts soon enough and this now “part time” home school mom is not ready to give up her naps! 
It’s good to be back!  I look forward to blogging with you for the rest of the year.
~Journey’ With Kelly

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