Social Icons

четверг, 21 июля 2016 г.

Winning Poetry Atlanta Science Fiction Society's

Sensation Confusion
by Maria Li © 2004
10th grade, 15 years old
Dacula High School
She dreamt a dream,
of a fantasy realm,
where colors are heard,
and smells are blurred.

She walked alone
in a forbidden zone,
her senses mingled,
and gave her strange tingles.

First a phone rang,
and red daggers came,
poking the temples
of her confused brain.

She cried out in pain,
and tried to regain,
a feeling that was calm,
and nowhere to be found.

Her hand flew to he head,
and this in turn led,
to a taste of orange yogurt,
dark in color, and light in texture.

The pounding of her feet,
coupled with the pounding of her heart,
produced an aroma,
of rich, bitter coffee.

She hastened her pace,
and tried to make,
a hasty exit,
from this obscure world.

She dreamt a dream,
of a fantasy realm,
where touch is seen,
and taste is felt.

And All for the Name of Science
by Gracie Troxell © 2004
10th grade, 16 years old
DacuIa High School
I am all alone
the others are gone
stardust by now
Only a couple of years to go
Uranus is near
I can feel it
this trip will not be in vain
I can make it
the others were not strong enough
But I am
Why end life here?
These last few years
have passes by slowly
one by one
my friends left me
Some lost themselves
others needed to be lost
as the shuttle seemed to shrink
we continued to feel isolated
But its all over now
the mission is a dud
lack of fuel is the problem
Do I turn back now?
I can continue
make it to Uranus
and give my life
or Do I?
I will give my life
for science I can
I will continue
until I can travel no further
There I will send
back all I can
the discoveries will
be priceless
And all for the name of science.

by John Riley © 2004
10th grade, 15 years old
Dacula High School
Ions are the atoms with charges
Be them positive or not.
They bond and react with everything
and to melt them it must be hot

Anions are the negative ones
Such as Fluorine and Oxygen
They gain electrons in their cloud
being greater than their positive kin

Sodium and Lithium are positive
Cations are their name
They lose electrons to become stable
They wouldn't dare to gain

Alkali metals are always positive one
And the earth ones positive two
You also have those like Aluminum
Which are positive too

The halogens are always negative
And most of the gases as well
They include bromide and sulfide
And much to many to tell

This may seem lots to remember
I had problems too
But do not fret nor worry
I have a secret for you

If electrons number greater than four
Negative ions are true
However if the electrons are any less
Positive ions ensue

So now you have it the legacy of ions
but there's still more to learn
I'll tell you about that another time

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